Expertise of MRCET have researched and collected Previous Question Papers R18 I Year I Sem Supplementary, February 2021 study material in pdf format. This pdf formatted MRCET Previous Question Papers R18 I Year I Sem Supplementary, February 2021 covered the subject concepts in a comprehend manner for easy reference to their students.
Previous Question PapersPage 1 of 1 Code No: R18A0012 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2021
Applied Physics (EEE , ECE, CSE, IT) Roll No Time: 2 hours 30 min Max. Marks: 70 Answer Any F ive Questions
All Questions carries equal marks .
*** 1 a) What are matter waves? Show that matter wave travels more than light speed .
b) Explain how the G.P. Thomson’s experiment is used to explain the existence of matter waves. (7M) (7M) 2 a) Define the Heisenberg uncertainty principle and explain its consequences.
b) Show that the energy of an electron confined in a 1- dimension potential well of length ‘L’ and infinite depth is quantized. (7M) (7M) 3 a) Explain the concept of density of states and derive an expression f or it.
b) Discuss in detail about the behavior of an electron moving in a periodic potential region by Kronig- Penny model. (7M) (7M) 4 a) Explain the Block theorem and the concept of effective mass of an electron.
b) Write a detailed note the classification of metals, semiconductors and insulators based on band theory of solids. (7M) (7M) 5 a) Derive an expression for carrier concentration of electrons an intrinsic semiconductor.
b) What is meant by photovoltaic effect? Describe the construction and working of a solar cell and also write any two applications of it. (7M) (7M) 6 a) What are the differences between elemental and compound semiconductors?
b) Explai n the formation of a PN junction diode and draw the energy band diagram of a open circuited PN junction diode. (7M) (7M) 7 a) Write the different types of polarization mechanism in dielectrics and derive an expression for electronic polari zability.
b) What is ferromagnetism? How the hysteresis curve is explained on the basis of the domain theory? (7M) (7M) 8 a) Explain the construction and working of He -Ne gas laser and write any two applications of it.
b) Define the accept ance angle and Numerical aperture of an optical fiber and derive expressions for acceptance angle and numerical aperture. (7M) (7M) R18 Page 2 of 1 **********
Page 1 of 2 Code No: R18A0261 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2021
Basic Electrical and Electronics Engineering (ME & AE) Roll No Time: 2 hours 30 min Max. Marks: 70 Answer Any F ive Questions
All Questions carries equal marks .
1(a) Summarize the active and passive elements with an example. [7M] ( b) Find the total equivalent capacitance and total energy stored if the applied voltage is 100V for the circuit shown in the fig.
[7M] 2(a) Derive voltage, current and power relations in R & L elements. [7M] ( b) Determine the current in all resistors in the circuit using KCL.
[7M] 3(a) Write the mesh equation s and determine the currents in the circuit shown in the fig.
[7M] ( b) Find the current through 3Ω resistor using superposition theorem in the circuit [7M] R18 Page 2 of 2 4(a) Illustrate the source transformation technique with an example. [7M]
( b) Using star - delta transformation, determine the current drawn by the source in the circuit shown in the fig.
[7M] 5(a) Develop the emf equation of a D.C Generator [7M] ( b) Summarize the concept of “back emf” used in DC motors. [7M] 6(a) Describe the constructional features of 1 -phase transformer [7M] ( b) Illustrate the complete cla ssification of D.C Generators [7M]
7(a) Describe the operation of full wave rectifier with the help of circuit diagram and waveforms . [7M] ( b) A full wave rectifier V i=100 Sin ωt , R L=900 ohms . R F = 100 ohms. Calculate (i) Input AC Power (ii) DC Output Power (iii) Rectifier Efficiency (iv) Ripple Factor (v) TUF [7M]
8(a) Discuss the mechanism of operating transistor as an amplifier. [7M] ( b) Analyse the output character istics of a common base transistor configuration [7M] ********** Page 1 of 1 Code No: R18A0013
MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2021 Engineering Chemistry (ME & AE)
Roll No Time: 2 hours 30 min Max. Marks: 70 Answer Any F ive Questions All Questions carries equal marks .
1 a) State Nernst equation and write any three applications of it.
b) Explain the functioning of H 2-O2 fuel cell with neat diagram and reactions involved in it. (7M) (7M) 2 a) Write in detail mechanism involved in electrochemical corrosion.
b) Write a note on sacrificial anode protection and cathodic protection method of controlling corrosion. (7M) (7M) 3 a) Draw the molecular orbital diagram of O 2 and based on it comment on magnetic and spin only properties of the O 2 molecule.
b) State sa ilent features of CFT (10M ) (4M) 4 a) Discuss the postulates of molecular orbital theory.
b) Explain Crystal field splitting of transition metal ion d -orbitals in octahedral geometry. (7M) (7M) 5 a) Expl ain the procedure involved in softening of Hardwater by ion exchange method.
b) Write a short note on desalination of water by Reverse Osmosis. (10M ) (4M) 6 a) What is potable water? Describe the treatment of water for drinking.
b) Explain estimation of hardne ss of water by EDTA method (7M) (7M) 7 a) What is nucleophilic substitution? Explain the SN1 mechanism with suitable Example .
a) Explain the reduction of carbonyl compounds by using LiAlH 4 and NaBH 4 with suitable mechanism. (7M) (7M) 8 a) Explain in detail Proximate analysis of coal and its significance.
b) Write in detail gasoline preparation by fluid bed catalytic cracking process (7M) (7M) ********** R18 Page 1 of 2 Code No: R18A0301
MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2021 Engineering Graphics (EEE , ECE, CSE & IT)
Roll No Time: 2 hours 3 0 min Max. Marks: 70 Answer Any F ive Questions All Questions carries equal marks .
*** NOTE: All dimensions are in mm 1 a) Construct regular polygon of 6 sides, with the length of the side as 25, by general metho d?
b) Construct a diagonal scale of R .F=1/(2.5 X 106) to read upto a single kilometer and long enough to measure 400 km. Mark a length of 254 km on it ? [6M] [8M] 2 Construct an ellipse, with the distance of the focus from the directrix as 50 mm and eccentricity as 2/3. Also, draw normal and tangent to the curve, at a point 40
mmfrom the directrix? [14M] 3 A point A is 15 above H.P and 20 in front of V.P. Another point B is 25 behind V.P and 40 below H.P. Draw the projections of A and B, keeping the distance between the projectors equal to 90. Draw straight lines, joining (i) the top views and (ii) the front views. [14M] 4 A line AB of 70 long, has its end A at 10 above H.P and 15 in front of V.P. Its front
view and top view measure 50 and 60 res pectively. Draw the projections of the line and determine its inclinations with H.P and V.P. [14M] 5 A rectangle ABCD of size 40 x 25 , has the corner A, 10 above H.P and 15 in front of V.P. All the sides of the rectangle are equally inclined to H.P and parallel to V.P.
Draw its projections . [14M] 6 A pentagonal pyramid of base 25 side and axis 60 long, is resting on an edge of the base on H.P. Draw the projections of the pyramid, when its axis is perpendicular to V.P and the base is at 15 from V.P . [14M] 7 Draw the isometric view of a pentagonal pyramid, with side of base 25 and axis 60
long .The pyramid is resting on its base on H.P, with an edge of the base parallel to V.P. use the off –set method. [14M] 8 Draw Front View, Top view and Side view for the figure shown below. All dimensions are in mm. [14M ] R18 Page 2 of 2 **********
Page 1 of 2 Code No: R18A0021 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2021
Mathematics -I (EEE , ME, ECE, CSE, IT & AE) Roll No Time: 2 hours 30 min Max. Marks: 70 Answer Any F ive Questions
All Questions carries equal marks .
**** 1 a) Show that
−−−+−++−−4 3 523 2 4752 47 3i ii ii i
is a Hermitian matrix b) Verify Cayley -Hamilton theorem for the matrix A and find its inverse
−−−−=1 2 621 62 2 7A [6M]
[8M] 2 Find the eigen values and the eigen vectors of the matrix
−− −−34 24 7626 8 [14M]
3 a) Prove that2 2 2, , z y xwxz yz xyvzyxu ++=++=++= are functional dependent and find the relation between them b) A recta ngular box open at a top is to have volume of 32 cube ft . Find the dimensions of the box requiring least material for its construction [7M] [7M]
4 a) Find the maximum value of2 2 2z y x++ given a zyx 3=++ b) Show that the rectangular solid of maximum volume that can be inscribed in a sphere is a cube [7M] [7M] 5 a) Solve ( )32 236 11 6xxD D D ye e−−−+−= +
b) Solve x xeydxdydxyd x2sin 2 3322+=+− [7M] [7M]
6 a) Solve ( ) 0 2 22 2=+++ ydy dxx y x b) Solve axec yadxydcos222=+ by the method of variation of parameters [7M]
[7M] 7 a) Solve:
yx q p +=+2 2 [6M] R18 Page 2 of 2 b) Using the method of separation of variables, solve utuxu+∂∂=∂∂2
where xe xu36)0,(−= [8M] 8 a) Find the Laplace transform of cos2𝑡𝑡+sin3𝑡𝑡 b) Using Convolution theorem, find ()
+−22 21assL [6M] [8M]
********** Page 1 of 1 Code No: R18A0501 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India)
I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, February 2021 Programming for Problem Solving (EEE , ME, ECE, CSE, IT & AE) Roll No Time: 2 hours 30 min Max. Marks: 70
Answer Any F ive Questions All Questions carries equal marks .
*** 1 a) Build an algorithm, flowchart and C program to find the sum of numbers from 1 to ‘n‘ b) Describe various types of computers. [8M] [6M]
2 a) Identify the forma tted input and output functions and e xplain with examples .
b) Write a C program in C to find the area and perimeter of a circle and triangle. [8M] [6M] 3 a) Construct a C program to find the reverse of an integer number and check whether it is palindrome or not.
b) Show how break and continue statements are used in a C program, with example . [8M] [6M] 4 Differentiate while & do...while statement s. Explain the syntax of do -while
statement. Write a C program to find the factorial of a number using while loop, where the number n is entered by the user.
(Hint: factorial of n = 1*2*3*….*n). [14M] 5 a) Write a program to illustrate call by value and call by referen ce techniques.
b) Discover the di fferent categories of functions and dis cuss it. [8M] [6M] 6 Elucidate the importance of various storage classes with necessary examples. [14M] 7 Write user defined functions to perform the following string operations (i) Find the length of the string
(ii) Concatenate two strings (iii) Copy one string from the other [14M] 8 a) Develop a program to read and display information [rollno, name, fees, DOB (dateofbirth)] of all students in the class. ( b) Write a short note on Structure with in a structure . [8M]
[6M] ********** R18 Page 2 of 1