R-15 I Year I Sem Supplementary , May 2019

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Page 1 of 16 Code No: R15A0021 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester supplementary Examinations , May 2019

Mathematics -I (Common to all Branches ) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B

Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from e ach SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

****** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a Define the terms consistency and inconsistency of a system of linear equations. [2M] b Let A be a square matrix. If the eigen values of

A are 2, 5 and 6, then find the eigen values of Aadj . [3M] c Explain geometrical interpretation of Rolle’s theorem. [2M] d If

z uvwzy uvzyxu  , , , show that .,,,, 2vuwvuzyx [3M] e Define exact differential equation. [2M] f Form the differential equation of a family of circles passing through the origin and

having centres on the x -axis. [3M] g Solve Cosxy D12 . [2M] h Solve  .100 1 4 42 y D D [3M]

i Find the Laplace Transform of . Cosht [2M] j Find .


s ss sL [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I 2 Investigate for what values of

 and  the simultaneous equations  zy x zy x zyx 2,1032,6, have (i) no solution, (ii) a unique solution, (iii) an infinite number of solutions. [10M]

OR 3 a) Verify Cayley -Hamilton theorem for the matrix2335A . Hence find3 1,A A . [5M]

b) Are the vectors )2,7,3( ),2,1,0( ),3,1,2( ),4,2,1(4 3 2 1    x x x x linearly dependent? If so express one of these as a linear combination of the others. [5M] SECTION -II 4 a) If

x xexgexf  )(, )( , prove that ‘c’ of Cauchy’s mean value theorem is the arithmetic mean between a and b. [5M] b) Using Maclaurin’s series, expand the function )1log( x . [5M] OR R15

Page 2 of 16 5 A rectangular box open at the top is to have volume of 32 cubic ft. Find the dimensions of the box requiring least material for its construction. [10M] SECTION -III 6 a)

Solve .0 1 ) 1(  dyyxe dxeyx

yx [5M] b) Solve  .0 ) 1( 1  xdyxy ydxxy [5M] OR 7 a) A body kept in air with temperature

C025 cools from C0140 to C080 in 20 minutes. Find when the body cools down to . 350C [5M]

b) Show that the system of confocal conics ,12222

 byax where  is a parameter, is self orthogonal. [5M] SECTION -IV

8 Solve  .2sin 8 4 422 2x ex y D Dx [10M] OR 9 Solve  x Secy D 2 42 by the method of variation of parameters. [10M]

SECTION -V 10 a) Find  t t t eLt3cos33sin2 43 2 [5M] b) Find ,)(tfL where f(t) is a periodic function of period

2 and it is given by 2 ,00,sin)(tt ttf. [5M]

OR 11 a) Using Convolution theorem, find .22 21

a ssL [5M] b) Using Laplace transform, solve  ,sin 5 22t ey D Dt given that y(0) = 0,

y`(0)=1. [5M] ****** Page 3 of 16 Code No: R15A0011 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY

(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester supplementary Examinations , May 2019 Engineering Physics -I (Common to all Branches ) Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

**** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a What are the necessary conditions for obtaining interference fringes. [2M] b Distinguish between Fresnel diffraction and Fraunhofer diffraction. [3M] c State the properties of laser beam. [2M]

d Write a note on attenuation in optical fibers. [3M] e State Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle. [2M] f What is the physical significance of wave function. [3M] g Define Ensembles. [2M] h Write the mathematical expression for the Fermi -Dirac statistics. [3M]

i Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic semiconductors. [2M] j Write short note on direct and indirect band gap semiconductors. [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I 2 (a).Derive an expression for wavelength of light in Newton’s rings experiment.

(b).Discuss in detail Fraunhofer diffraction due to single slit. [5M] [5M] OR 3 (a).With ray diagram discuss the theory of thin films and derive the condition for constructive and destructive interference in the case of reflected system.

(b).State Brewster’s law. How can this law be used to produce plain polarized light [5M] [5M] SECTION -II 4 (a).Describe construction and working of He -Ne gas laser.

(b).Write applications of lasers in medical and communication field. [5M] [5M] OR 5 (a).Derive an expression for Acceptance angle and Numerical aperture of an optical fiber.

(b). Distinguish between step ind ex and graded index fibers. [5M] [5M] SECTION -III 6 (a).Explain in detail the Davisson and Germer’s experiment to prove the existence of matter waves. [5M]

R15 Page 4 of 16 (b).Derive time independent Schrodinger’s wave equation. [5M] OR 7 (a).Show that the energies of a particle in a potential box are quantized.

(b).What are matter waves? Derive the expression for Debroglie’s wavelength. [5M] [5M] SECTION -IV 8 (a).Distinguish between M.B, B.E, and F.D distributions.

(b).Explain the origin of energy bands in solids. [5M] [5M] OR 9 (a).Discuss the Kronig Penny model for the motion an electron in a periodic potential.

(b).On the basis of band theory, how the crystalline solids are classified into conductors, semiconductors and insulators. [5M] [5M] SECTION -V 10 (a).Derive an expression for the carrier concentration of p -type semiconductor.

(b).Explain Hall effect and derive an expression for Hall coefficient. [5M] [5M] OR 11 (a).Discuss the formation of PN junction diode.

(b).Draw I -V characteristic curve of a PN junction diode and explain.[5] [5M] [5M] ****** Page 5 of 16 Code No: R15A0013

MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester supplementary Examinations , May 2019 Engineering Chemistry (ECE, CSE & IT)

Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

*** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a Write Nernst equation for calculation of e.m.f. of cell and mention the terms in it. [2M] b What is meant by battery? What are the characteristics of good battery? [3M] c Write the conditions under which the electrochemical corrosion takes place? [2M]

d Galvanized containers are not used for storage of food products, but tin coated containers are used. Comment on the statement. [3M] e PVC is soft and flexible; whereas Bakelite is hard and brittle . Give reason. [2M] f What are refractories? What are the characteristics of good refractory? [3M] g What are the salts responsible for the temporary and permanent hardness? [2M]

h What do you mean by priming and foaming? [3M] i Why natural gas is called a fossil fuel ? [2M] j Give an account on formation of coal. [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I

2 a. How can you determine the pH of a solution by calomel electrode [5M] b. Discuss about Hydrogen -Oxygen fuel cell with a neat design and chemical reactions. [5M] OR 3 a. Define equivalent conductance.0.05N solution of a salt occupying volume

between two platinum electrodes of 1.72 cm apart and area 4.5cm2 has a resistance of 250 ohms. Calculate the equivalent conductance of the solution. [5M] b. Define reversible and irreversible cells with examples. List out the conditions of reversibility. [5M]

SECTION -II 4 a. Make use of cell reactions and explain the mechanism of electrochemical corrosion by oxygen consumption . [5M] b. What are the main objectives of electro plating? Give an account of the method using in electroplating. [5M]

R15 Page 6 of 16 OR 5 a. Write the differences between electrochemical series and galvanic series? [5M] b. Discuss how metals are protected by impressed current cathode method. [5M]

SECTION -III 6 a. Discuss the term “Elastomer”. Explain the synthesis, properties and applications of BUNA -S. [6M] b. What are Nanomaterial s? Discuss briefly about the applications of the nanomaterials? [4M]

OR 7 a. Distinguish between t hermoplastic resins and thermosetting resins . [5M] b. What is a lubricant? Give an account on classification and properties of lubricants. [5M] SECTION -IV

8 a. Explain zeolite process for the softening of water? [5M] b. Write a short note on specifications of portable water. [2M] c. What is breakpoint chlorination? [3M] OR 9 a. Determine the temporary, permanent and total hardness in degree Clark

units for a water sample which showed the following analysis. Ca (HCO 3)2= 16.2mg/lit, MgCO 3 =29.2 mg/lit, NaCl = 5.85mg/lit, CaCl 2 = 11.1mg/lit, MgSO 4 = 12.0 mg/lit, Organic matter = 15.5mg/lit. [5M] b. What is brackish water? How to make the brackish water fit for domestic usage by reverse osmosis ? [5M]

SECTION -V 10 a. How do you explain knocking in a diesel engine? How can it be controlled? [5M] b. What is Calorific value? Explain HCV and LCV . [5M] OR

11 a. Explain the ultimate analysis of coal and its significance. [5M] b. Describe a method of catalytic cracking of petroleum fractions and discuss the advantages of catalytic cracking. [5M] ****** Page 7 of 16

Code No: R15A0014 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester supplementary Examinations, May 2019 Environmental Studies

(ME & AE) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT). Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Questio n from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

.*** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a Define Ecology and Eco -Systems. [2M] b What are Food Webs? Give Example of a Food Web. [3M] c Discuss the Consequences of Over utilization of Ground and Surface water

Resources. [2M] d Classify the Resources. [3M] e Define Genetic Bio -diversity. Give example [2M] f What are the Consumptive uses Values of Bio -diversity. [3M] g Write a short note on Green house effect. [2M]

h Discuss the impacts of Climate Change on Environment in brief. [3M] i Define EIA. Write a note on components of EIA. [2M] j Write note on Montreal Protocol. [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I

2 a. Explain the Carbon Cycle with a neat sketch. [5M] b. Discuss the Structural aspects of an Eco -system. [5M] OR 3 a. Define Ecological Pyramids. What are the various types of Ecological Pyramids an Eco -system. [7M]

b. Write a detailed note on Bio -magnification, Bio-accumulation. [3M] SECTION -II 4 a. Explain the Role of Renewable Resources in meeting the needs of Present Society. [7M] b. Classify the Natural and Man -made Resources. [3M] OR

5 a. Deforestation is a major threat for Environmental Consequences - Discuss. [5M] b. Write a detailed note on advantages and disadvantages of Dams. [5M] SECTION -III 6 Bio-diversity is playing an important role in Ecological Balance – Justify with your answer. [10M]

R15 Page 8 of 16 OR 7 What is meant by Bio-Diversity. Explain the major Hot -spots of India and threats to Bio -diversity. [10M]

SECTION -IV 8 Define Water Pollution. Explain the Impacts of Modern Agricultural Practices on Soil Quality [10M] OR 9 a. Explain causes effects and control measures for air pollution. [8M]

b. Discuss Composition and Components of e - Waste Management [2M] SECTION -V 10 a. Discuss the following a) Population Explosion b) Concept of Sustainable Development. [5M] b. Discuss Air (Prevention and Control of Pollution) Act, 1986. [5M]

OR 11 Explain the Salient Features of Hazardous Waste Management and Handling Rules in India. [10M] ****** Page 9 of 16

Code No: R15A0501 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester supplementary Examinations , May 2019 Computer Programming with C

(Common to all branches) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

*** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a List out the different types of software’s? [2M] b Define an Algorithm? List out the Algorithm properties [3M] c Differentiate between actual and formal parameters [2M]

d Explain the function prototype? [3M] e List the input/output functions for strings [2M] f Differentiate between Strings and Arrays? [3M] g Define Pointer to Pointer. [2M] h Write a program on pointer arithmetic [3M]

i Differentiate between Structure and union [2M] j Describe about typedef and enum. [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I 2 a) Write about different types of operators

b) Explain Entry control loop and Exit control loop [5M] [5M] OR 3 a) State the program development steps b) Write a C program to find arithmetic operations using switch statement [5M]

[5M] SECTION -II 4 Define Recursion? Write a C program to find GCD of two numbers using Recursion? [10M] OR

5 a) Explain about different Storage classes b) Define function. Explain categories of functions. [6M] [4M] SECTION -III 6 a) Write about String manipulation functions?

b) How to pass 1D array to function explain with example program? [5M] [5M] OR 7 a) Explain briefly about String handling functions?

b) Write a C Program to check whether given string is a palindrome or not? [5M] [5M] SECTION -IV 8 Write a short note on dynamic memory management functions. [10M] R15 Page 10 of 16

OR 9 a) Explain briefly about pointer to 1-D array with program?

b) Differentiate pointers to functions and pointers with functions. [5M] [5M] SECTION -V 10 a) Define structure. Write a C program on structure with in structure b) Write a C program to merge two files into a third file. [5M]

[5M] OR 11 a) Write about self -referential structures with example program?

b) Write a C program to copy one file to another? [5M] [5M] ****** Page 11 of 16 Code No: R15A0302

MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester supplementary Examinations , May 2019 Engineering Drawing

(ECE, CSE & IT ) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 1 5marks.

*** SECTION - I 1. a) Draw a regular pentagon having 40mm long sides, using general method . [ 5M ] b) Draw an ellipse when the distance of its focus from the directrix is 60mm and eccentricity is 3/5. Also, draw a tangent and normal to the ellipse at a point distant 100mm away from the

directrix. [10M] (OR) 2. A circus man rides on a motor cycle inside a gl obe having a 6 m diameter. The motor cycle wheel is 1 m in diameter. Draw the locus of a point lying on the circumference of the wheel of the motor cycle for one complete run. [15M]

SECTION – II 3. a) A point A is 40 mm above H.P and 25 mm in front of V.P. A nother point B is 20 mm behind V.P and 30 mm below H.P. The horizontal distance between the points is 100. Draw the projections of the points A and B and join their front views and top views. [5M] b) A line inclined at 60° to the V.P has a 60 mm long line. One end of the line is 20 mm in

front of the V.P. The line is 15 mm above the reference line. Draw its projections. [10M] (OR) 4. A 120 mm long line PQ has its ends P and Q 10 mm and 60 mm below the H.P., respectively .

The end projectors are 50 mm apart. The mid -point of PQ is 60 mm in front of the V.P. Draw the projections and find the angles with both the reference planes. [15M] SECTION – III 5. A thin circular lamina with a 70 mm diamet er. Draw its projections. It is inclined at 30° to the H.P., while the other is inclined at 45° to the V.P. [15M]

(OR) 6. A hexagonal prism, having base with 30 mm side and a 70 mm long axis, is resting on one of the edges of its base in the H.P. such that the edge makes 60° with the V.P. and the base makes an angle of 60° with the H.P. Draw its projections. [15M] SECTION – IV

7. Draw an isometric view of a pentagonal pyramid having a base with a 30 mm side and a 50 mm long axis (a) when its axis is vertical and (b) when its axis is horizontal. [15M] R15 Page 12 of 16 (OR) 8. The frustum of a cone with a 60 mm base diameter, 40 mm top diameter and 50 mm height is

surmounted centrally over a cylindrical block with a 80 mm diameter and 30 mm thickness .

Draw its isometric p rojections. [15M] SECTION – V 9. Draw front view, top view and side view for isometric view as shown below. All dimensions are in mm.[15M] (OR)

10.Draw isometric view from given orthographic views as shown below. All dimensions are in mm. [15M] ********* Page 13 of 16 Code No: R15A0301

MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester supplementary Examinations , May 2019 Engineering Mechanics (ME & AE )

Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

**** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a State and explain parallelogram law of forces. [2M] b State and explain Varignon’s theorem. [3M] c Define the term “Friction”. What are coulomb’s laws of dry friction? [2M]

d Define a Free Body Diagram. Draw the FBD for ball -and-socket joint. [3M] e State pappus theorem. [2M] f Write the coordinates for the centroids of parabola and semi parabola [3M] g Find the product of inertia of a rectangle of sides a and b with respect to the axes that lie along its two sides. [2M]

h Explain the terms moment of inertia and radius of gyration . [3M] i What is a rolling body? Explain its importance. [2M] j Explain briefly about the kinematics of rotational Motion around a fixed axis. [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I

2 Determine the resultant of the system of concurrent forces having the following magnitudes and passing through the origin and indicated points: P=280N (12, 6, -4); T=520N ( -3, -4, 12); F=270N (6, -3, -6). [10M] OR 3 Figure 1 shows two vertical forces and a couple of moment 2000 N -m acting on a

horizontal rod, which is fixed at, end A. Determine the resultant of the system. [10M] R15 Page 14 of 16 Figure 1 SECTION -II

4 An inclined plane and a vertical wall as shown in below Figure. 2 support two identical rollers, each of weight 100 N. Assuming smooth surfaces; find the reactions induced at the points of support A, B and C.

Figure 2 [10M] OR 5 In a screw – jack, where the helix angle of thread is α and the angle of friction is φ, W is the load to be moved up / down, and P is the effort applied horizontally to a lever at a distance L from the axis of the screw, discuss the effects of moving the

load (a) up and (b) down, if (i) φ < α, and (ii) φ > α in each case. [10M] SECTION -III 6 a) From the first principle find the centroid of a right angle triangle of height h and breadth b.

b) Determine the coordinates x c and y c of the centre of a 100 mm diameter circular hole cut in a thin plate so that this point will be the ce ntroid of the remaining shaded area shown in figure 3. All dimensions are in mm.

Figure 3 [5M] [5M] OR 7 a) Determine the centre of gravity of a solid hemisphere of radius R from its diametric [5M] Page 15 of 16


b) Locate the centre of gravity of a right circular cone with base radius r and altitude h about the axis which is along the X -axis.

[5M] SECTION -IV 8 Find the moment of inertia of the T -Section shown in fig 4 Figure 4 [10M] OR

9 a) Find the mass moment of inertia of a hollow sphere with respect to a diameter if the mass per unit volume of the material is ρ and the outer and inner radii are Ro and Ri, respectively.

b) From basic principles find the moment of inertia of a solid disc. [5M] [5M] SECTION -V 10 a) A particle moves along straight line. Its motion in represented by the equation S = 16t + 4t 2− 3t3 where S is in metres and t, in seconds. Determine

i. displacement, velocity and acceleration 2 seconds after start.

ii. displacement and acceleration when velocity is zero and iii. displacement and acceleration when acceleration is zero.

b) A train is uniformly accelerated and passes successive kilometer stones with velocities of 18km/hr and 36km/hr respectively. Calculate the velocity when it passes the third kilometer stone. Also find the time taken for each of the two intervals of one kilometer. [5M] [5M]

OR 11 A solid cylinder weighing 1200 N is acted upon by a force P horizontally as shown in figure 5. Determine the maximum value of P for which there will be rolling without slipping. If P= 1000 N, determine the acceleration of the mass centre and the angular acceleration, given that the coefficient of static friction μs =

0.2 a nd the co -efficient of kinetic friction μk = 0.15.

Figure 5 [10M] ****** Page 16 of 16