R-15 I Year II Sem Supplementary , April- May 2019

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Page 1 of 12 Code No: R15A0022 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester supplementary Examinations , April/May 2019

Mathematics -II (Common to All Branches ) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B

Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Questi on from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

*** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a Define interpolation. [2M] b Define forward, backward and central difference operators. [3M] c Write normal equations for to fit the parabola 𝑦=π‘Ž+𝑏π‘₯+𝑐π‘₯2 [2M]

d Evaluate ∫11+π‘₯𝑑π‘₯10 , by Simpson’s 38 rule. [3M] e Define Euler’s formulae. [2M]

f Express 𝑓(π‘₯)=π‘₯ as a Fourier series in (βˆ’πœ‹,πœ‹ ) [3M] g Define general solution of partial differential equation. [2M] h Solve 𝑧=𝑝π‘₯+π‘žπ‘¦+π‘π‘ž [3M] i Define vector point function and scalar point function. [2M] j Show that βˆ‡(π‘Ÿπ‘›)=π‘›π‘Ÿπ‘›βˆ’2π‘ŸΜ…,π‘€β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘Ÿ=|π‘ŸΜ…| [3M]

PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I 2 Find the roots of the equation π‘₯log 10(π‘₯)=1.2 using False position method. [10M] OR 3 Using Gauss forward formula, find f(22) from the following table.

x 20 25 30 35 40 45 f(x) 354 332 291 260 231 204 [10M] SECTION -II 4 Using the method of least squares, find the curve of best fit of the type 𝑦=π‘Žπ‘’π‘π‘₯

to the following data.

x 0.0 0.5 1.0 1.5 2 2.5 y 0.10 0.45 2.15 9.15 40.35 180.75 [10M] OR 5 Find y(0.2),y(0.4) by Euler’s modified method for the differential equation

𝑦′=π‘₯+sin𝑦,𝑦(0)=1 [10M] SECTION -III 6 Find the Fourier series expansion for function 𝑓(π‘₯)=|cosπ‘₯| ,βˆ’πœ‹<π‘₯<πœ‹ [10M] R15 Page 2 of 12

OR 7 Find the half range cosine series for 𝑓(π‘₯)=π‘₯(2βˆ’π‘₯) 𝑖𝑛 0≀π‘₯≀2 and hence deduce that 112βˆ’122+1

32βˆ’142+β‹―=πœ‹212 [10M] SECTION -IV 8 a) Solve (π‘¦βˆ’π‘§)𝑝+(π‘₯βˆ’π‘¦)π‘ž=π‘§βˆ’π‘₯

b) Solve 𝑧2=π‘π‘žπ‘₯𝑦 [5M] [5M] OR 9 Solve by method of separation of variables 𝑒π‘₯π‘₯=𝑒𝑦+2𝑒 ,π‘€π‘–π‘‘β„Ž 𝑒(0,𝑦)=0,𝑒π‘₯(π‘œ,𝑦)=1+π‘’βˆ’3𝑦 [10M]

SECTION -V 10 Verify Stoke’s theorem for 𝐹̅=(π‘₯2+𝑦2)π‘–Μ…βˆ’2π‘₯𝑦𝑗̅ taken round the rectangle bounded by the lines π‘₯=Β±π‘Ž,𝑦=0,𝑦=𝑏 [10M] OR 11 a) Evaluate βˆ‡.[π‘Ÿβˆ‡(1

π‘Ÿ3)] ,π‘€β„Žπ‘’π‘Ÿπ‘’ π‘Ÿ=|π‘ŸΜ…| b) Prove that the vector 𝑓(π‘Ÿ)π‘ŸΜ… is irrotational, where π‘Ÿ=|π‘ŸΜ…| [5M] [5M] ****** Page 3 of 12

Code No: R15A0012 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester supplementary Examinations , April/May 2019 Engineering Physics -II

(Common to All Branches ) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

*** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a What are the forces between two atoms? [2M] b Write salient features of miller indices. [3M] c State any four applications of X -rays. [2M]

d Write short notes on edge dislocation. [3M] e Define electric dipole and polarization vector [2M] f Write short notes on ferro -electricity. [3M] g What is superconductivity? Explain. [2M] h Compare soft and hard magnetic materials. [3M]

i What is nano scale? Explain. [2M] j Explain in brief about surface to volume ratio. [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I 2 a) Derive an expression for cohesive energy between two atoms. [5M]

b) Calculate the packing fraction of bcc. [5M] OR 3 a) Discuss about seven crystal systems and their corresponding Bravias lattice with the help of neat diagrams [7M] b) Write short notes o n primary bonds. [3M]

SECTION -II 4 a) State and explain Bragg’s law of X -ray diffraction. [4M] b) Explain principle and working of powder method of X -ray diffraction [6M] OR 5 a) Estimate the concentration of Schottky defects at a given temperature. [7M]

b) Discuss about Burger’s vector and its significance. [3M] SECTION -III 6 a) Derive expressions for ionic and electronic polarizations [8M] b) Write applications of dielectric materials. [2M] OR

7 a) Explain generation of ultrasonic waves by magneto -striction method. [7M] b) Write short notes on NDT. [3M] R15 Page 4 of 12 SECTION -IV 8 a) Explain classification of magnetic materials and write their properties. [5M]

b) Derive an expression for Bohr magneton [5M] OR 9 a) Explain hysteresis behaviour of ferromagnetic materials based domain theory of ferromagnetism. [7M] b) Write short notes on applications of superconductors. [3M]

SECTION -V 10 a) Discuss about various types of nanomaterials. [4M] b) Explain synthesis of nanomaterials by sol -gel and physical vapour deposition methods. [6M] OR

11 a) Explain the phenomena of quantum confinement [5M] b) Discuss about principle and working of SEM [5M] ****** Page 5 of 12 Code No: R15A0013

MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester supplementary Examinations , April/May 2019 Engineering Chemistry (ME & AE )

Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Questio n from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

***** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a Define specific conductance and molar conductance . [2M] b What are primary and secondary cells? Give two examples. [3M] c What is electrochemical series and give electrode potential of hydrogen? [2M]

d Write a short note of fuel cells with application. [3M] e Write the differences between the thermoplastic and thermosetting resins. [2M] f Define corrosion of metal and how to obstacle the corrosion. Give two examples. [3M] g Write a difference between the reverse osmosis and osmosis. [2M] h What are causes for hardness and softness of Water? [3M]

i Write a short note about the proximate analysis and its significance. [2M] j What is the definition of calorific value? Write a note on HCV. [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I 2 a) Explain the applications of conductance in the electrochemistry.

b) What is the functioning of Quinhydrone and Glass electrodes in electrochemistry? [5M] [5M] OR 3 a) Explain construction and working of H 2O2 fuel cell and give its adavtages .

b) What is electrochemical cell? Explain the Daniel cell cell. [7M] [3M] SECTION -II 4 What is the electro chemical corrosion of metals? Explain the mechanism of electro chemical corrosion by evolution of H 2 and absorption of O 2 with suitable examples. [10M]

OR 5 a) Write short notes on electroleses plating? Explain the role of hot dipping , nickel (Ni) and copper (Cu) electroplating with its a pplications and advantages?

(b) Write is the differences between electroplating and electroless plating? [6M] [4M] SECTION -III 6 What are the preparations, properties and advantages of Nylon -6,6, Dacron , PVC? [10M] OR

7 Give a brief introduction and applications of nanomaterials. [10M] R15 Page 6 of 12 SECTION -IV 8 Explain the following methods: i) Boiler troubles ii) Scales and Sludges iii) Priming

and Foaming [10M] OR 9 Explain the external treatment processes: i) Zeolite process ii) Ion exchange process [10M] SECTION -V 10 a) Explain the characteristics and applications of i) Nat ural gas, ii) LPG iii) CNG.

b) Explain the d etermination of calorific value by Junkerβ€˜s gas calorimeter. [6M] [4M] OR 11 a) What are the fuel and good fuel? Explain the characteristics of a good fue l b) Write a brief note about the classification of fuels. [5M]


(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester supplementary Examinations , April/May 2019 Object Oriented Programming (Common to All Branches ) Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT) . Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

**** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a What are the benefits of OOP? [2M] b What is difference between i++ and ++i? [3M] c What is function overloading? [2M]

d What is the output of this program?

#include using namespace std; int main () { int a;

a = 5 + 3 * 5; cout << a; return 0; } [3M]

e What is a copy constructor? [2M] f Describe the importance of destructors. [3M] g A template can be considered as a kind [2M] h When do we make a class virtual? [3M] i When do we use multiple catch handlers? [2M]

j Discuss the syntax of set w() function [3M] PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I 2 a) Discuss and Differentiate between POP and OOP b) What are the different control structures in C++. E xplain with an example. [5M]

[5M] OR 3 a) What is the significance of reference variable explain with an example program.

b) Describe the importance of OOP features. [5M] [5M] SECTION -II R15 Page 8 of 12 4 a) Write a program to demonstrate the default arguments

b) Describe the characteristics of the static data member and static member function. [5M] [5M] OR 5 a) Demonstrate how a Friend function works as bridge in between two


b) Write a program to pass objects as arguments [6M] [4M] SECTION -III 6 Define constructor and explain different types of constructors with examples [10M] OR

7 What is inheritance? Explain different types of inheritance with example programs. [10M] SECTION -IV 8 a) When we should use virtual functions ?

b) Write a program to Illustrate the use of pointers to objects [5M] [5M] OR 9 a) Write a program to Illustrate how pointers to a derived object are used b) What is the significance of the virtual Base classes [5M]

[5M] SECTION -V 10 a) Write a program to demonstrate the user defined exceptions.

b) What are the applications of this pointer? Demonstrate with example.

c) Write a program for swapping of generic data. [4M] [3M] [3M] OR 11 a) Create a Function template for addition of the input data.

b) Write a program which uses catch(...) handler.

c) Write a program to append the content of file1 to file2. [3M] [3M] [4M] ****** Page 9 of 12

Code No: R15A0201 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester supplementary Examinations, April/May 2019 Electrical Circuits

(ECE, CSE & IT) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Note: This question paper contains two parts A and B Part A is compulsory which carriers 25 marks and Answer all questions.

Part B Consists of 5 SECTIONS (One SECTION for each UNIT). Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 10 marks.

*** PART -A (25 Marks) 1). a State KVL and KCL. [2M] b Illustrate the classification of electrical circuit elements. [3M] c What is super node and super mesh? [2M]

d For the graph shown in fig. What are the number of possible twigs and links it has?

[3M] e Draw phasor diagram to represent a purely inductive a.c. circuit. [2M] f Define (i )Reactance (ii) Impedance (iii) Susceptance and (iv) Admittance [3M] g A d.c. source has an open -circuit voltage of 20V and an internal resistance of 2Ω.

Determine the value of the load resistance that gives maximum power dissipation. [2M] h Determine Norton current at terminals a and b of the circuit shown [3M] i Draw the equivalent circuit of transformer under no load [2M] j Give the remedies to overcome the hysteri sis and eddy current losses. [3M]

PART -B (50 MARKS) SECTION -I 2(a) Obtain the equivalent resistance R ab for the circuit shown in figure and also [5M] R15 Page 10 of 12

determine the value of current i.

(b) Derive the V -I relations of R, L, C and energy stored in the inductor and capacitor. [5M] OR 3(a) Illustrate linear and nonlinear elements, active and passive elements with suitable examples. [5M] (b) The following current wave form i(t) is passed through a series R -L circuit with R =2 ohm

and L =2 mH. Find the Voltage across each element and sk etch the same.

[5M] SECTION -II 4. Explain about mesh analysis with an example . [10M] OR 5(a) For the graph shown in figure, find the tie -set matrix and obtain KVL equations.

[5M] (b) Obtain the current I in the network shown in Fig .

[5M] Page 11 of 12 SECTION -III 6(a) Describe the different power components in AC circuits also discuss power factor and power triangle. [5M]

(b) Find form factor of the given waveform [5M] OR 7(a) In the circuit shown, determine the voltage V AB to be applied to the circuit if a current of 2.5 A is required to flow in the capacitor. Determine also total power factor and total

active and reactive powers.

[5M] (b) When a 220V, 50 Hz supply is applied to a 15 ohm resistance in parallel with an inductor, the total current is 20A. What must be the frequency for the total current to be 30A, if the voltage remains the same. [5M] SECTION -IV

8 State and discuss Thevenin’s theorem with an example. [10M] OR 9(a) Use superposition to find vx in the circuit shown in Fig.

[5M] (b) Describe the procedure used to solve a network problem using superposition theorem. [5M] SECTION -V 10(a) Develop the condition for maximum efficiency of a 1 -phase transformer. [5M] (b) A transformer on load takes 1.5 amps at a power factor of 0.2 lagging when connected

across 50 Hz 230 V supply. The ratio between primary and secondary number of turns is 3. Calculate the value of primary current when secondary is supplying a current of 40 amps at a power factor of 0.8 lagging. Neglect the voltage drop in the windings. Draw the relevant phasor diagram [5M] OR

11(a) Why OC test can be conducted at rated voltage and SC test can be conducted at anywhere in the operating range of current ? [5M] Page 12 of 12 (b) The instruments readings obtained from open and short circuit tests on 10 -KVA, 450,120V, 50Hz single phase transformer are: :

OC Test: V 1=120V, I 1=4.2A; W 1=50W; V 1,W 1 and I 1were read on LV side SC Test: V 1=9.65V, I 1=22.2A; W 1=120W; -with LV is short circuited Compute the efficiency and voltage regulation for an 80% lagging p.f load [5M] ******