R15 I Year I Sem Supplementary, July-August 2021

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Page 1 of 1 Code No: R15A0501 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, July/August 2021

Computer Programming with C (ME, ECE, CSE, IT & AE) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Answer Any Five Questions

All Questions carries equal marks.

*** 1 Discuss about the following operators in C language wi th example.

i. Bitwise operators ii. Increment and decrement operators iii. Logical operators [5M] [5M]

[5M] 2 Discover the different looping constructs in C language and explain it.

[15M] 3 Classify the various functions and explain with neat examples.

[15M] 4 a) Identify and demonstrate various storage classes which can be used w ith functions.

b) Outline the pre-processor commands.

[10M] [5M] 5 Explain with suitable example how to declare and initialize 1D and multi -dimensional array.

[15M] 6 List out the string library functions. Explain any 4 functions with syntax and exam ple.

[15M] 7 Develop a C program to read and display multiple strings using pointers.

[15M] 8 Write a C program that defines a structure employee containing the details such as empno, empname, department name and salary . The structure has to store 20 employees in an organization. Use the appropriate method to define the above details and define a function that will display the contents? [15M]


(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, July/August 2021 Engineering Physics-I (ME, ECE, CSE, IT & AE) Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Answer Any Five Questions All Questions carries equal marks.

*** 1 Describe the Newton’s ring method for measuring the wavelength of monochromatic light. Give the necessary theory.

[15M] 2 a) Explain Brewster’s l aw. Based on Brewster’s law show that when light is incident on the transparent substance at polarising angle, the reflected and refracted rays are right angles.

b) When light is incident at an angle of 600 on a transparent ma terial surface, the reflected light is completely polarised. Find the refractive index of the material of the surface and angle of refraction.

[12M] [3M] 3 Explain the principle, construction and working of He – Ne laser with help of Energy Level Diag ram.

[15M] 4 Explain the classification of optical fibers as step index and graded index fibers in detailed manner.

[15M] 5 Apply Schrodinger wave equation to the case of a particle in a one dimensional potential box and show that the energies of the particle are quantized.

[15M] 6 a) State Debroglie hypothesis of matter waves. Derive the expression for matter waves.

b) Calculate the velocity and kinetic energy of an electron of wave length 1.66 x10-10 m.

[12M] [3M] 7 a) Classify solids as conductors, s emiconductors and insulators based on bandgap.

b) Derive an expression for effective mass of an electron.

[5M] [10M] 8 Explain the principle, construction and working of LED with necessary diagrams. [15M] ****** R15

Code No: R15A0021 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, July/August 2021 Mathematics-I

(ME, ECE, CSE, IT & AE) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Answer Any Five Questions All Questions carries equal marks.

**** 1. a) Test for the consistency and hence solve the system.

𝑥𝑥 +𝑦𝑦+𝑧𝑧=6,𝑥𝑥−𝑦𝑦+2𝑧𝑧=5,3𝑥𝑥+𝑦𝑦+𝑧𝑧=8,2𝑥𝑥−2𝑦𝑦+3𝑧𝑧=7 [8M] b) Verify Cayley -Hamilton theorem for = �1 2−12 1−22−2 1� , hence find 𝐴𝐴−1. [7M] 2. Find the Eigen values and Eigen vectors of the matrix �8−6 2

−6 7−42−4 3�. [15M] 3. a) Prove that 𝑢𝑢=𝑥𝑥+𝑦𝑦+𝑧𝑧,𝑣𝑣=𝑥𝑥𝑦𝑦+𝑦𝑦𝑧𝑧+𝑧𝑧𝑥𝑥,𝑤𝑤=𝑥𝑥2+𝑦𝑦2+𝑧𝑧2 are functional dependent and find the relation between them. [8M]

b) If 𝑥𝑥=𝑢𝑢(1−𝑣𝑣); 𝑦𝑦=𝑢𝑢𝑣𝑣 prove that 𝜕𝜕(𝑢𝑢,𝑣𝑣)𝜕𝜕(𝑥𝑥,𝑦𝑦) x 𝜕𝜕(𝑥𝑥,𝑦𝑦)𝜕𝜕(𝑢𝑢,𝑣𝑣) = 1. [7M] 4 Find the volume of the largest rectangular parallelepiped that can be inscribed in ellipsoid 𝑥𝑥2𝑎𝑎2+

𝑦𝑦2𝑏𝑏2+𝑧𝑧2𝑐𝑐2=1. [15M] 5 a) Find the orthogonal Trajectory of the family of 𝑟𝑟 =𝑎𝑎(1−𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐𝑐 ) where “a” is parameter .[7M] b) Solve 𝑦𝑦(1+𝑥𝑥𝑦𝑦)𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥+𝑥𝑥(1−𝑥𝑥𝑦𝑦)𝑑𝑑𝑦𝑦=0. [8M]

6. a) Solve (1+𝑦𝑦2)𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥=(𝑡𝑡𝑎𝑎𝑡𝑡−1𝑦𝑦−𝑥𝑥)𝑑𝑑𝑦𝑦 [8M] b) Bacteria in a culture grow exponentially so that the initial number has doubled in 3 hours.

How many times, the initial number will be present after 9 hours. [7M] 7. a) Solve (𝐷𝐷2−2𝐷𝐷+1)𝑦𝑦=𝑒𝑒3𝑥𝑥𝑥𝑥2−𝑐𝑐𝑠𝑠𝑡𝑡2𝑥𝑥+3. [7M] b) Apply the method of variation of parameters to solve 𝑑𝑑2𝑦𝑦𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥2+4𝑦𝑦=𝑆𝑆𝑒𝑒𝑐𝑐2𝑥𝑥. [8M] 8. Solve 𝑑𝑑2𝑥𝑥

𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑2−2𝑑𝑑𝑥𝑥𝑑𝑑𝑑𝑑+𝑥𝑥= 𝑒𝑒𝑑𝑑,𝑥𝑥(0)=2,𝑥𝑥′(0)=−1 by using Laplace Transform. [ 15M] **** R15 Page 1 of 1

Code No: R15A0013 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, July/August 2021 Engineering Chemistry

(ECE, CSE & IT) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Answer Any Five Questions All Questions carries equal marks.

*** 1 Determine the PH of an unknown solution using glass electrode .

[15M] 2 Write a brief note on construction, working and reactions involved in Hydrogen -oxygen fuel cell.

[15M] 3 Discuss the various factors effecting rate of corrosion.

[15M] 4 Explain cathodic protection of corrosion controlling method.

[15M] 5 Differentiate Thermoplastic & Thermosetting resins .

[15M] 6 Write in detail on characteri stics of a good refractory and their applications.

[15M] 7 How hard water is softened by Zeolite process? Explain in detail with neat diagram and suitable reactions.

[15M] 8 Classify different types of fuels and write a note on Characteristics of a go od fuel .

[15M] ****** R15 Page 1 of 2 Code No: R15A0302

MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, July/August 2021 Engineering Drawing (ECE, CSE & IT)

Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Answer Any Five Questions All Questions carries equal marks.

*** 1 Construct a hyperbola when the distance between the focus and directrix is 40mm.the eccentricity is 4/3.Draw a tangent and normal at any point on the hyperbola [15M] 2 Draw a epicycloid of a circle of 40 mm diameter which rolls outside another

circle of 200 mm diameter for one revolution. Draw a tangent and normal at any point on it [15M] 3 (i)A point B is 45mm above HP and 60mm behind VP draw its projectio ns (ii)A point D is 45 mm below HP and 60mm in front of VP. Draw its projections (iii)A point A is 30mm above HP and 45mm in front of VP. Draw its front

view and top view [5M] [5M] [5M] 4 A line CD measuring 80mm is inclined at an angle of 300 to HP and 450 to VP.

The point C is 20mm above HP and 30mm in front of VP. Draw the projections of the straight line [15M] 5 A pentagonal lamina of 40mm side. The plane stands on one of its sides on HP with its plane perpendicular to VP and 450 inclined to HP. Draw projections [15M]

6 Draw the projections of Pentagonal pyramid ,side of base 30mm and height 60mm resting with its base on HP such that one of the edges of the base is perpendicular to VP. [15M] 7 A right hexagonal prism of side of base 24mm and ax is 56 mm long is lying on one of the corners of the base. Its axis is inclined at angle of 300 to HP. Draw

the isometric projections of the solid [15M] 8 Draw the front view, top view and right side view of the object of given below (All dimensions are in mm) [15M] R15 Page 2 of 2 **********

Page 1 of 2 Code No: R15A0301 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, July/August 2021

Engineering Mechanics (ME & AE) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Answer Any Five Questions

All Questions carries equal marks.

*** 1 Find the resultant of forces 2, √2,5,√3 and 2N that act an angular point of a regular hexagon towards the other angular points taken in order [15M] 2 Determine the magnitude and direction of the resultant of the following set of

forces acting on a body i)200N inclined 300 with east towards north, ii) 250N towards the north, iii)300 N towards north west iv) 350N inclined at 400 with west towards south. What will be the equilibrant of

the given force system?

[15M] 3 Two blocks A and B are resting against a wall and the floor as shown in fig1. Find the value of horizontal force P applied to the lower block that will hold the system in equilibrium co -efficient of frictions are 0.25 at the floor, 0.3 at the wall and 0.2 between blocks.

Fig:1 [15M] 4 Two spheres each of 1 000N and of radius 25cm rest in horizontal channel of width 90cm as shown in fig2. Find the reaction at the point of contact A,B and C.

Fig:2 [15M] R15 Page 2 of 2 5 Determine the centroid of the semi -circle whose radius is R?

[15M] 6 Locate the centre of gravity of the area as shown in fig: 3 with respect to coordinate axes. All dimensions are in mm.

Fig:3 [15M] 7 Determine the mass moment of iner tia of cylinder shaft of 150mm and 2.5 mm of height above the centre of gravity axes (Density ρ =8000kg/m3) [15M]

8 A lift carries a weight of 115N and is moving with a uniform acceleration of 3 m/s2. Determine the tension in the cables supporting the li ft, when i) lift is moving upwards and ii) Lift is moving downwards. Take g=9.80m/s2 [15M] ******

Page 1 of 1 Code No: R15A0014 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech I Semester Supplementary Examinations, July/August 2021 Environmental Studies

(ME & AE) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 75 Answer Any Five Questions All Questions carries equal marks.

*** 1a Explain the Carbon cycle with a neat sketch. [7M] b What are the biotic and abiotic components of eco -system? Discuss the types of food chains in eco -system. [8M] 2 Discuss the following i) Scope and importance of ecosystem

ii) Flow of energy iii) Carrying Capacity [5M] [5M] [5M] 3a Discuss the various natural resources of environment. [5M]

b How deforestation leads to climate change in environment? [10M] 4 How alternate energy sources meeting the requirements of people? Explain with one example. [15M] 5a Define bio -diversity. Explain the types and values of bio -diversity [10M] b Differentiate in -situ and ex -situ conservation of biodiversity [5M]

6 Write notes on i) Habitat loss ii) Poaching of wildlife iii) man -wildlife conflicts [5M] [5M] [5M]

7 a Explain the Causes, effects and control measures of air pollution [8M] b Write a detailed note on Solid waste management in India. [7M] 8 Describe the following i) Concept of Sustainable Development ii) Population and its explosion iii) Environmen tal Education [5M]

[5M] [5M] ****** R15