R18 I Year II Sem Advanced Supplementary Exams June 2019

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Page 1 of 2 Code No: R18A0201 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF EN GINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester Advance Supplementary Examinations, June 2019

Basic Electrical Engineering (EEE, ECE, CSE&IT) R o l l N o Time: 3 hours M ax. Marks: 70 Note: This question paper Consis ts of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE

Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 14 marks.

**** SECTION-I 1 (a) State and explain Kirchhoff’s Laws (b) Write short notes on source tr ansformation with example [7M] [7M]

OR 2 (a) Write a short notes on inde pendent and dependent sources (b) What are the various elements in electrical networks and their energy calculations [7M] [7M]

SECTION-II 3 (a) State and explain  Superposition Theorem.

(b) Calculate the current in the 50Ω resistor in the network shown in the figure using mesh analysis [7M] [7M] OR

4 (a) State and explain Norton’s Theorem.

(b) Using Thevenin’s Theorem, find the current “i” in 9Ω Resist or.

[7M] [7M] R18 Page 2 of 2 SECTION-III

5 (a) A circuit consists of a series connected resistance of 10 ohms a capacitance of 150μ F and an inductance of 16mH connected across a supply of 1 00V at 50Hz. Evaluate (a) circuit current (b) power factor and (c) pow er consumed by the circuit. Draw the phasor diagram.

(b) Derive RMS value of a sinusoidal waveform. [7M] [7M] OR 6 (a) Explain about series R-L circuit with AC input.

(b) Derive Avera ge value of a sinusoidal waveform. [7M] [7M] SECTION-IV 7 (a) Derive the E.M.F. equation of a DC generator.

(b) Explain the construction of sin gle phase transformers [7M] [7M] OR 8 (a) Explain the principle of ope ration of a D.C. generator.

(b) Derive the E.M.F. equation of a sin gle phase transforme r [7M] [7M] SECTION-V 9 (a) Compute the energy consumption in a system that consumes 190 Wa tts of power and works for 3 hrs a day.

(b) Write short notes on Wires and Cables [7M] [7M] OR 10 (a) Write short notes on Switch Fuse Unit (SFU) and MCB.

(b) Explain about the op eration of earth leaka ge circuit breaker (ELCB) [7M] [7M] ********** Page 1 of 2 Code No: R18A00 13

MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester Advance Supplementary Examinations, June 2019 Engineering Chemistry (EEE, ECE, CSE & IT)

Roll No Time: 3 hour s Max. Marks: 70 Note: This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 14 marks.

**** SECTION -I 1 (a) Explain the construction and working of H2-O2 fuel cell and gi ve advantages and applications of fuel cells.

(b) Explain the method of galvanizing. [7M] [7M] OR 2 (a) Discuss in detail about Lead -acid battery with cell reactions.

(b) Explain the mechanism of electrochemical corrosion with suitable example. [7M] [7M] SECT ION -II 3 (a) Give the important postulates of molecular orbital theory.

(b) Explain the molecular orbital energy level diagrams of N 2 and O 2. [4M] [10M] OR 4 (a) What are the salient features of Crystal Field Theory?

(b) Explain the crystal field splitting of trans ition metal ion d -orbitals in octahedral geometr y [4M] [10M] SECTION -III 5 (a) Explain the estimation of hardness of water by EDTA method.

(b) What is hardness of water? Explain units of hardness [10M] [4M] OR 6 (a) Explain the method of softening of water by Ion-Exchange process.

(b) How the desalination of water can be done by Reverse Osmosis.

[8M] [6M] SECTION -IV 7 (a) Explain the mechanism of S N1 reaction with a suitable example.

(b) Write short note on anti -Markownikoff’s addition with an example. [7M] [7M] OR 8 (a) Explain the mechanism for Markownikoff’s addition of HBr to Propene.

(b) Write short notes on dehydrohalogenation of alkyl halides.

(c) Give a brief note on oxidation of alcohols using KMnO 4 with a suitable example. [6M] [4M] [4M] SECTION -V

9 (a) What are the characteristics of a good fuel?

(b) Explain the proximate analysis of Coal with its significance.

(c) Write short notes on Octane number and Cetane numbers. [3M] [7M] [4M] R18 Page 2 of 2 OR

10 (a) Explain the Refining of petroleum with a neat diagram.

(b) Give a brief note on fluid bed catalytic cracking with a neat sketch. [8M] [6M] ********** Code No: R18A0 301 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY

(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester Advance Supplementary Examinations, June 2019 Engineering Graphics (ME & AE ) Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 14 marks.

**** SECTION -I Q.No.1.

Construct a parabola when the distance between the focus and the directrix is 30 mm. Draw a tangent and normal at any point on the curve . [14M] (OR) Q.No.2 A circle of 45 mm diameter rolls inside another circle of 180mm diameter for one revolution.

Draw the locus of a point, which is at a distance of 20 mm from the center of the rolling circle. [14M] SECTION- II Q.No.3 Draw the projections of the following points on the same ground line xy ; keeping the distance

between the projectors is 30mm, Name the quadrants in which they lie.

(i) Point A, on V.P. and 40mm above the H.P.

(ii) Point B, 35mm above the H.P. and 55mm behind the V.P.

(iii) Point C, 35mm below the H.P. and 50mm front the V.P.

(iv) Point D, 20mm below the H.P. and 40mm behind the V.P. (v) Point E, 50mm below the H.P. and on V.P. [14M] (OR) Q.No.4 A line PQ, 65mm long has its end P 45mm above the H.P and 25mm in front of V.P. It is inclined at 45

0 to the H.P and 550 to the V.P. Draw its projections. [14M] SECTION- III Q.No.5 A pentagon ABCDE of side 35 mm is kept with side AB in the H.P and inclined at 45° with the V.P. Surface is inclined at 30° to the H.P. Draw the projections of the pentagon. [14M]

(OR) Q.No.6 Draw the projections of A square pyramid, all edges of the base equally inclined to the HP and the axis parallel to and 50 mm away from both the HP and VP. Side of the base 35 mm long and the axis 70 mm long. [ 14M]

R18 SECTION- IV Q.No.7 Draw the isometric projection of a square prism of side of base 35 mm and height 65 mm when its axis is (i) vertical and (ii) horizontal [14M]

(OR) Q.No.8 A sphere of radius 20 mm is kept on the top face of a square prism of side of base 40 mm and height 20 mm. The two solids have the common axis. Draw the isometric projection of combination of solids. [14M]

SECTION- V Q.No.9 Draw front view, top view and side view of the given figure. (All dimensions in mm) [14M] (OR) Q.No.10

Draw the isometric drawing for the below orthographic views. (All dimensions in mm) [14M] * * * * * * * * * * Page 1 of 2 Code No: R18A00 15 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY

(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester Advance Supplementary Examinations, June 2019 Engineering Physics (ME & AE ) Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 14 marks.

*** SECTION -I 1 a) Define the simple harmonic motion. What are the characteristics of SHM?

b) Explain the phasor model in SHM [7M] [7M] OR 2 a) Distinguish between free and forced oscillations b) Derive the differential equation and its general solution in damped harmonic

electrical oscillator and discuss special cases i) Under damped ii). Over damped iii ) Critical damped [4M] [10M] SECTION -II 3 a) What are the necessary conditions for obtaining the interference fringes

b) Explain the formation of Newton’s rings with suitable experimental arrangement .

c) Derive an expression for waveleng th of light in Newton’s rings experiment. [4M] [5M] [5M] OR 4

a) Distinguish between Fresnel and Fraunhofer diffraction?

b) Explain Resolving power of grating.

c) What is diffraction grating? Explain the formation of spectra by diffraction grating? [4M] [5M] [5M] SECTION -III

5 a) Define density of energy states.

b) Explain the Bloch’s theorem c) Explain the concept of effective mass of an electron moving in a one - dimensional periodic potential. [3M] [5M] [6M]

OR 6 a) Discuss the Kronig - Penny model for the motion of an electron in a periodic potential?

b) Distinguish between metals, semiconductors and insulators? [10M] [4M] SECTION -IV 7 a) What notes on polarization mechanism b) What is local field in a dielectric material? Derive an exp ressio n for it by

Lorentz method.

c) Derive Clausius - Mosotti equation for solids? [3M] [7M] [4M] OR 8 a) Derive an expression for Bohr Magneton?

b) Explain the different types of magnetic materials. [7M] [7M] R18 Page 2 of 2 SECTION -V 9 a) What are the chara cteristics of lasers

b) What are the different types of pumping methods? Explain c) Explain with a neat sketch the construction and working of Ruby laser [4M] [4M] [6M] OR

10 a) Distinguish between spontaneous emission & stimulation emission b) Derive Einstein co efficients and derive the relation between them. [5M] [9M] ********** Page 1 of 2

Code No: R18A0022 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY (Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester Advance Supplementary Examinations, June 2019 Mathematics -II

(Common to all branches) Roll No Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 14 marks.

**** SECTION -I 1 (a). Find a root of ,1 sin=x ex using regula falsi me thod.

(b).Find the real root of the equation 0 cos=− x exx using Newton Raphson method. [8M] [6M] OR 2 (a). Find y(54), given that y(50)=205, y(60)=225, y(70)=248, y(80)=274. Using

Newton’s forward difference formula.

(b). Using Lagrange’s interpolation formula , y(10) from the following table x 5 6 9 11 y 12 13 14 16 [8M] [6M]

SECTION -II 3 (a). Evaluate ∫π0, sin dxx by dividing the range into 10 equal pa rts using (i) Trapezoidal rule (ii) Simpsons 1/3 rd rule.

(b). Using Euler’s method, solve for y at x=2 from ,2)1(,1 32=+= y xdxdy taking step size h=0.5. [8M] [6M] OR 4

(a). Apply 4th order R .K method , to find an approximate value of y when x=1.2, insteps of 0.1, given that .5.1)1(,2 2 1= += yy x y (b). Fit a polynomial of second degree to the data points given in the following table x 0 1 2

y 1 6 17 [8M] [6M] SECTION -III 5 (a) State and Prove the relation between Beta and G amma function.

(b). Show that .330Π=−∞∫dxexx [9M] [5M] R18

Page 2 of 2 OR 6 (a). Show that ∫−+−=−−banm n mnmB ab dxxb ax ).,( ) ( ) () (1

(b). S how that π=Γ )2/1( . [8M] [6M] SECTION -IV 7 (a). Eval uate ∫∫Rydxdy where R is the region bounded by the parabolas x y 42=

and .42y x= (b). Evaluate ∫∫θθ ddr rsin over the cardiod ) cos1(θ−=ar above the initial line. [8M] [6M] OR

8 (a). Change the order of int egration in ∫∫−1022xxdydxxy and hence evaluate the double


(b). Evaluate ∫∫∫e yexdydxdzz1log1 1. log [9M] [5M]

SECTION -V 9 (a). Find the directional derivative of 2 24 ),,( xz yzx zyx +=φ at the point (1, -2,-1) in the direction of the normal to the surface 2log ),,( yz x zyxf −= at (-1,2,1) (b). Find the work done in moving a particle in the force field zkjix F ++=−23 along the straight line from (0,0,0) to (2,1,3).

[9M] [5M] OR 10 Verify divergence theorem for kzjyixF2 2 2++=− over the surface S of the filed

cut off by the plane azyx=++ in the first octant. [14M] ********** Page 1 of 1 Code No: R18A0 502 MALLA REDDY COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING & TECHNOLOGY

(Autonomous Institution – UGC, Govt. of India) I B.Tech II Semester Advance Supplementary Examinations, June 2019 Object Oriented Programming (Common to all branches ) Roll No

Time: 3 hours Max. Marks: 70 Note: This question paper Consists of 5 Sections. Answer FIVE Questions, Choosing ONE Question from each SECTION and each Question carries 14 marks.

*** SECTION -I 1 a Discuss the differences between object oriented pro gramming and p rocedure oriented programming . [7M] b Write a short note on b enefits of OOP . [7M]

OR 2 a Analyze control structures & l oops in object oriented programming. [7M] b Describe e ncapsulati on, inheritance and Polymorphism . [7M] SECTION -II 3 a Explain about class and object with suitable program. [7M]

b Explain friend function with an example. . [7M] OR 4 a Describe about objects as function a rguments and scope resolution o perator . [7M] b Explain Inline functions and arrays of objects with example. [7M] SECTION -III

5 a Define copy constructor and explain it with suitable program. [7M] b Define single inheritance and explain with a suitable program [7M] OR 6 a Describe default constructors and parameterized c onstructor s with the help of program. [7M]

b What is multiple i nheritances and describe it with suitable program. [7M] SECTION -IV 7 a Analyze new operator and delete operator with appropriate example. [7M] b Define o perator overloading and describe it with suitable program. [7M] OR

8 a Interpret virtual f unctions with suitable program. [7M] b What is function o verloading and explain it with a program. [7M] SECTION -V 9 a Discuss class t emplates with suitable program. [7M] b Write a short note on r ethrowing an e xception with an illustration. [7M]

OR 10 a Describe function templates with multiple p arameters with suitable example. [7M] b Explain types of exceptions and exception handing m echanism . [7M] ********** R18