2017 Varsity Tiger Season Opener Tigers Defeat Red Devils 5-0! Giving Those Tigers Something to Wear!

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If My people, which are called by My Name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek My face, and turn from their

wicked ways, then I will hear from Heaven, and forgive their sin, and heal their land.

II Chronicles 7:14Volume 12 Number 37 April 5th, 2017 one dollar per copyCommunityCalendarContinued On Page 7Monday,April 10th

Heart of Hagerstown4:30 a.m.

Willie and RedsSaturday,April 8thPhi Chi Epsilon Sorority Easter Bunny Breakfast

8:30 - 10:00 a.m.

Hagerstown Elementary CafeteriaWednesday,April 12thNettle Creek School Board

Administration BuildingPlease note new time6:30 p.m.

Thursday,April 13thHagerstown Optimist ClubBecker’s Restaurant6:30 p.m.

Saturday,April 15thEconomy Lion's ClubAnnual Easter Egg Hunt2:00 p.m.

Economy Lion's Den2017 Varsity Tiger Season OpenerTigers Defeat Red Devils 5-0!The Third QuarterHagerstown Elementary

Honor Roll is on Page 6The Nettle Creek Players will host a gala dinner and dance in support of its upcoming 2017 Summer Stock Theatre Season.

“Pearls & Lace” is this Friday, April 7th at The Hartley Hills Country Club. This event was originally set for March 11th but a forecast for heavy snow moved it to this week.

Tickets are $50 per person and can be purchased in person at local Hagerstown businesses Every Day Is Christmas, The Sidewalk Café and The Hagerstown Library as well as online at www.nettlecreekplayers.com. More information is available at 765-489-5632. by Joe KlemannNext time you are out and about the Nettle Creek area, take note on how long it takes before you see someone with some sort of clothing apparel that says “Tigers.” Ninety-seven

percent of the time it is purple, if you happen to be from out of town. Where does all this glo-rious advertising for the home team come from? Try that place at 98 West Main Street that is celebrating a seventh anniversa-ry this past week.

In 2007, Steve and Cin-dy Oler bought the two story brick building located at the corner of Main and Wash-ington streets in Hagerstown. “We had the opportunity to purchase the building but be-Giving Those Tigers Something to Wear!

fore we talked to the former building owner, Winnie Nirich, we talked to Bruce and Shirley Reuter, then the owners of The Logo Shoppe,” said Cindy. The Oler’s official start date as the owners was April Fool’s Day, 2010.

The Logo Shoppe offer a wide variety of screen printing, em-broidery, trophies and signs.

There are baby items, hats, scarfs, shorts . . . if it has Hag-erstown Tigers on it, they prob-ably have what you are looking for. And even though the Logo Shoppe employees may bleed purple, they do produce work for other schools in the area as well in addition to a lot of work for various businesses.

Of course, it takes a good staff to make a busi-ness like this work. “I’ve been with the Logo Shoppe since 2002 when Shirley and Bruce Reuter pur -chased it,” says Shellie Gray. “When Steve and Cindy pur -

chased it seven years ago, I have been the manager since then.” “Pearls & Lace” This Friday EveningThe Heart of Hagerstown Merchant and Business As-sociation will be meeting on-tion Monday, April 10th from 4:30 - 5:30 at Willie and Red's. This is not a meal, rather an open meeting dedicated to developing vision, goals and strategies for the coming year.

V olunteer are needed to help plan the future look of down-town Hagerstown and ways to further promote businesses within the 47346 zip code area.

Please consider attending this hour long meeting. Your ideas are needed!Heart of Hagerstown Meeting This Monday, April 10thShellie Gray and Sue Chandler, busy taking orders

during last weeks sale.The Oafs are Coming, The Oafs are Coming!by Joe KlemannOver 40 visitors toured the Hagerstown Museum at once

last Saturday evening. They found all our displays very interesting but they zeroed in on one area. The antique en-gines on the second floor stage were surrounded. These were members of the Oil Field En-gine Society, otherwise known as "Oafs". Their website says it all about group of historical engine collectors if you like "BIG OLD GREASY RUSTY OIL FIELD ENGINES, you're in the right place.

While they were not permit-ted to disassemble the exhibits, they did take time to give them a close ex-amination and take lots of photos. The "Oafs" just finished their 2017 O.F.E.S.

Dinner Meeting at Willie and Red's and were ready to talk shop when they ar -rived in the museum. Myself and other Historic Hagerstown Board Member Joe Burns were on hand to answer any ques-tions but it only took a few minutes to re-alize they would be teaching us.

It was pretty cool to listen to these men with so passion about their hobby. But the best part was when member Kyle Blankenship from Brookville, Ohio came up to Joe and me to inform us there was a piece missing on our exhibit. We looked at each other and be-fore we could say anything, he said, "The drip oiler is miss-ing but I got one out in the truck I'll give you." True to his word, he returned with a model that perfectly fit and he didn't charge a dime.

There is a photo of the engine on the wall behind the exhibit that clearly shows the replace unit. We were very apprecia -tive of the gift but a bit embar -rassed we never noticed it. All you can say is there is there is a lot of historical knowledge upstairs in the museum we can easily overlook. Make plans to visit the Hagerstown Museum soon and become reacquainted with the Nettle Creek History.

Oafs member Kyle Blankenship with Hager -stown Museum President Joe Burns, who is pointing to the donated drip oiler on the an-tique engine displayAmerican Legion Easter Egg HuntSaturday, April 15th

1:00 p.m.

Top: Coach Dan Davis conducts mound meeting Right: Own Gol-liger races across home plate. Far Right: Special K - Evan Hoover keeps track of strike outsDan's story on Page 6!2 - Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017Daily Log for week of : March 24th thru March 30th

Call Joe Klemann at(765) 530-4593 or emailjmklemann@msn.comfor any news or stories you’d like to see in the Gazette!

Momma PicksHer PlaceThe Perry Township Board will hold its next monthly meeting on Thursday, April 13, at 7:00 PM in the Commu-nity Room of the Perry Town-ship fire house in Economy.

The Board meets on the sec-ond Thursday of each month at 7:00 PM except in July and August. Upcoming meetings include May 11, June 8, and

September 14.Momma and I were riding to town not long ago when she said something completely out of left field. If you

know my mother, you likely know that this isn't any-thing out of the ordinary. Her spontaneity keeps us on our toes, and laughs aplenty around Bowman Superior Genetics.

We were driving, listening to a cassette of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons, when she dropped the bomb:

"I picked out my plot today.""I'm sorry?" I asked, turning down the radio, heart in my feet.

"My grave. Final resting place.""Mom, I thought you said your doctor appointment went really well last month? What do you need to tell me?" I asked, taking off my sunglass-es, throat so tight.

Momma smiled a bit, "It did go well, but I'm at that age that I need to think about these things. Also, I heard last week that lot prices are going up soon so I wanted the lower rate.""Alright, you know I hate

these discussions, but lay it on me," I replied with great hesitation.

Momma didn't hesitate at all.

"Well that place is filling up! I had to go to the far south end to even get a parking spot," she said, as though we were talking about Target rather than a cemetery. "But I found one. And when I sit up in my casket I will be able to look across the cemetery and see Daddy and Mom," she said with a gentle smile, her mind

drifting to a place other than Greens Fork, Indiana.

"Do you anticipate sitting up a lot in your casket?" I asked, half joking, half serious.

She ignored me. "They asked me if being next to a hydrant would bother me. I told them no, I've spent most of my adult life next to a hydrant watering cows and checking cows out in the pasture," Momma continued.

"Ahhh, good work Linda! A little piece of home for you!" I laughed.

"Besides," she continued, "I told them if they put me next to a hydrant you kids are more inclined to come water my flowers."

I responded to her quite suggestive comment, "Don't fool yourself; we're going for the silk option once they get marked down at K-Mart. You'll have tulips in August and greenery in March.""Yeah, you're probably right.

But then I got to thinking the hydrant wasn't such a good idea.""Why is that?""Well," she continued, "You know your brother. And the habit he's had since he was 7-years-old; he'll forget to shut it off and leave the water run-ning all night! Flood me right out of the hole."

How true that was. Linda had done her homework that afternoon at the cemetery.

"Ohhhh, good point. I hope you didn't pick the hydrant lo-cation?" I asked, impressed at Momma's odd assessment.

"Nope, moved west a bit.

Never did learn how to swim.""So.....is Dad close to you?"She turned onto to College Corner Rd. then turned and looked at me, rolling her eyes.

"Seriously? Did you buy a plot and not get two?!" I asked, my jaw almost to hit the console.

"Oh, stop. I bought him one.

We'll finally both get some rest without his snoring. No, seri-ously. I just need you kids to follow some instructions when that day comes," Momma said.

"Oh boy, let's hear 'em," I leaned my head back on the headrest. I knew this could be lengthy.

"Well, I need you to lay me on my right side before they close the top. And take off my shoes. And my jewelry. And make it tasteful. My jewelry, I mean."Don't worry Momma, you won't be going down in Mardi

Gras beads that day, I thought to myself.

"And, Jean, probably the biggest thing of all...."I shut my eyes. Here it goes....

"Just make sure I have on coral lipstick."In today's crazy world we can't accurately anticipate much. But on this Wednesday I lift a glass to predictable la-dies who are just head-strong

enough to know exactly what they want - in this life and next.

Lindsay Sankey resides outside Economy and raises Angus and Shorthorn cattle with her hus-band and daughter. She is the writer behind Jean’ s Boots Are Made For Talking, www.jeans-boots.blogspot.comPerry Township Board April 13thNOTICE OF PUBLIC MEETINGS

To be held in Town Hall unless otherwise noted by Council, Board or CommissionTOWN HALL49 E. College Street, Hagerstown

Month of April 2017Town CouncilMonday April 17th6:30 p.m.

Regular meetingWork session to follow BZA Meeting Wednesday April 19th7:00 p.m.

Advisory PlanningCommission Wednesday, April 26th7:00 p.m.

Parks & RecreationMonday, April 10th 7:00 p.m.

Airport Commissioners Monday, April 24th6:00 p.m.

Town Hall Will Be Closed Friday April 14th To Observe Good FridayNotice to Hagerstown residents that have utility payments that are due on the 15th of each month or the following Monday if the 15th lands on a Saturday or Sunday. Utility payments not re-ceived before 4:00 on the 15th will be considered late and fined a late fee. Disconnects for unpaid utilities occur on the 25th.Friday 3/24:

07:30- School Zone Patrols 10:30- Gun permit at HPD.

14:30- School Zone Patrols Saturday 3/25:

14:25- Suspicious vehicle at the airport, Checked OK.

Sunday 3/26:

01:20- Report of dog run-ning loose on East Walnut Street. GOA03:22- RPD requesting all units in Wayne County re-spond to Smileys in Richmond reference shooting with multi -

ple injuries. Town units disre-garded prior to arrival04:00- Business Alarm, Bak-er Insurance. Checked secure04:19- Assist CCPD on mul-tiple shots fired on East School Road, all WCSD Units busy with shooting in Richmond. Unable locate

14:35- Civil matter with ter -minated employee from local business.

Monday 3/27:

11:05- Article recovery, new owners of residence found bag with drug paraphernalia.

13:35- Assist WCSD with a Domestic Dispute on Jones Road.

14:40- Suspicious Person on Grandview Court, door to door sales.

15:19- Speak with an Officer, concerned about skateboard-ers on Faith Housing property.

16:08- Report of subjects ar -guing and striking each other walking on Pearl Street. Lo-cated subjects on Clay Street, advised they were just playing around. Zachary Witt arrest-ed for Warrant out of Fayette County. Brittany Combs ar -rested for Possession of Mar -

ijuana and cited and released.

H1 transported Witt to Fayette County line and turned over to FCSD Deputy.19:08- Assist CCPD on a ve-hicle fire at McDonalds.

Tuesday 3/28:

00:47- Assist Culberson EMS on a Medical Alarm on Washington St.

08:30- Possible sick Rac-coon on College Street, ap-peared OK and ran off.

09:30- Handgun permit at HPD.

09:45- Report of sick Rac-coon behind Culberson Funer -al Home. Taken to Kurtz Vet Clinic 11:30- Speak with an Officer, landlord concerned about tenant.

13:00- Assist Culberson Fu-neral Home with escort.

16:00- Traffic Stop, Main and Perry Street. Warning16:10- Vehicle Un-lock, West High Street.

16:30- Speak with an Officer at HPD.

16:40- Resident given warn-ing about allowing his dogs to run loose in Cemetery.

21:40- Traffic Stop, SR1 and Teetor Road, Warning.

Wednesday 3/29:

14:58- Assist WCSD on Do-mestic Dispute, Dingle Road.

15:33- Resident with hand-gun permit questions.

18:05- Report of injured cat be-hind the Elementary School. OKThursday 3/30:

00:07- Assist WCSD and HCSD with a vehicle found in ditch on Simmons Creek Road.

09:55- Speak with an Offi-cer, Student doing a paper for school had questions about drug problem.

10:54- Speak with an Officer by telephone.

13:30- Assist Culberson Fu-neral Home with escort.

18:25- Residential Alarm on Parkway, accidental.

18:40- Background Check for employment.

The most extreme April Fool’s Day prank ever?

Apparently, in the year 1974 on April Fool’ s Day, a man set 70 tires on fire on a dormant volca -no in Alaska. The locals of the place thought that the volcano had erupted and got scared. Some people will go to any extreme to celebrate the occasion!Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 - 3 Non-Smoking • 765-478-5565

Jeff Mardis - Bingo Operator Lic. #141044 Golay Center BingoCorner of SR1 & US 40, Cambridge City Non-Smoking$1000 Coverall Game Every Night!Earlybirds start at 5:00 pm and package games begin at 5:45 pm!

$1000 Coverall Game Every Night!Come join in on the Unraveled Fiber Arts Group, part of LibWell Mondays.

The group will meet every 1st & 3rd Monday from 3:00 - 5:00 p.m. at theHagerstown Library.

NETTLE CREEK GAZETTE Established August 28, 2005, is published each Wednesday at 26 W.

Church St., P.O.Box 337, Cambridge City, IN, 47327. It is a division of the Western Wayne News. Subscriptions for the Nettle Creek Gazette (Nettle Creek School ar-eas) are $30 per year, Rest of Indiana $35 per year, and out of state $40 per year. Periodical Postage Paid at Cambridge City, IN (USPS 024-684).Owner/Owner Janis Buhl.POSTMASTER: Send address changes to:NETTLE CREEK GAZETTE, P.O.Box 337, Cambridge City, IN 47327. Phone (765) 478-5448.April 8th, 15th, 22nd - Regular Games

April 29th - Earlybird Special$500 Cash RaffleHAPPYANNIVERSARYHagerstown Earth Day Cleanup

Can you space a few hours?

,Donations made to the Golay Center are Tax Deductible!Like us on Facebook for all the latest programs and information!Aerobics ScheduleMon. Tues. Wed. Thurs. Fri. Sat.

8:15am Low Impact8:15am Low Impact8:15am Low Impact9:30am Spin

9:45am Spin9:30 am DMY9:45am Spin 9:45 Beginner Yoga9:15 Pilates

9:45am Water Aero5:00pm Spin9:45am Water Aero5:00pm Spin5:00pm

Spin10:30 Step Aerobics5:30pm Yoga6:00pm Body Sculpt6:00pm Spin 6:00pm

Water Aero11:00-12:00 Aqua Jam6:00pm Spin6:00pm

Water Aero6:15 DMY 6:00pm Body Sculpt*Class fee FREE/Members and $5/non-memberThe office hours for

Hagerstown Town HallareMonday - Thursday8:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and

1:00 - 4:00 p.m.

Friday7:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.

April 9thBob and Connie JohnsonJesse and TammyMcCrackenBob and Peggy Bullock

Bub and Phyllis BecktellHAPPY BIRTHDAY!April 5thLisa King

Mike KingApril 7thMary Carolyn OwensApril 9thPeggy Bullock

March 10thLoma Hoover DoerstlerApril 10thJeff DaleApril 11th

Judie LittonBirthAnnoucementCHICKEN NOODLE DINNER- April 28 from 5-7pm.

cost is $7 (13 & up) and $3 (12 & under).

MINI BALL YOGA-Fridays 6:15pm. Begins April 7th.

Cost is free/members and $5/non-members.

PILATES: Saturdays 9:15-10:15am. Cost is free for mem-bers and $5/non-membersEASTER EGG DIVE: Friday, April 7th Ages 3-12 $3/child. Must pre-register by March 31st. No late registration.

STEP AEROBICS: Saturdays 10:30-11:30am. cost is free for members and $5/non-members.

YOUTH INSTRUCTIONAL VOLLEYBALL: Thursdays April 4-May 9. Cost $20/member and $30/non-member.

K-2nd: 5:00-6:00 pm 3rd-4th: 6:00-7:00 pm 5th-6th: 7:00-8:00 pmAQUA JAM will be held every other Saturday 11am-12.

Next class March 18! Free for members and $5/non-members.

PERSONAL TRAINING is back! Call Chris Jarrett for your workout needs 765-686-2572. $40/sessionSUPER SUMMER FUN- Register Now! $15 registration fee per child. Program runs May 25-August 4. Children can be dropped off and picked up between 7am-6pm. Swimming everyday, outdoor exercise, reading and more! Children will need a daily sack lunch and swim gear.

PRESCHOOL REGISTRATION: Open registration for 2017-2018 school year will begin April 1st.

Tues/Thurs Class-8:30-11:00am Child must be potty trained and 3 years old by Aug. 1st. Cost is $60 registration fee and $60/month for 10 months.

Mon/Wed/Friday Class-8:30am-11:00am or 12:00-2:30pm.

Child must be 4 years old by Aug. 1st. Cost is $60 registration fee and $70/month. Help Us Keep Our Lists Up to Date! Send your Birthday & Anniversary Updates &

Changes to nettlecreekgazette@frontier.comPhoenix Dancers Hagerstown Send Off Presentation

The Phoenix Dancers will present their competition rou-tine to “Rhythm is Gonna Get You” by Gloria Estefan and the Miami Sound Machine on Friday, April 7, at 8:00 p.m. in the elementary gym.

The sixteen member team will perform their show twice in preparation for competing in their final contest on Satur -day at the University of North Kentucky. The dance team will honor the four seniors: Baleigh Davis, Emily Dick, Abby Lochotzki and Leeann Rinberger. The dancers meet weekly at Dance With Cindy and are coached by Cindy Oler and Laurie Carr.Attention service clubs, so-

rorities, scouts, 4-H groups, school clubs/teams and other Hagerstown residents:

Saturday, April 22nd, 2017 is Earth Day! The Town of Hagerstown will host its an-nual Spring Town Cleanup from 9:00 - 12:00. We will meet at the Fire Station at 9:00 a.m. and then be assigned cer -tain parts of the community to clean up. Depending on the turnout, we will be:

1.) Picking up down tree branches and other debris along the curbs and sidewalks in town2.) Picking up down tree branches at the West Lawn Cemetery.

3. Picking up down tree branches and litter at the Hag-erstown ParkOnce done at noon (or be-fore), we will meet back at the Fire Station for hot dogs, chips and soft drinks.

Thank you for helping make our community a great place to live!Town Manager Chris LaMar and Hagerstown Council MembersThe Town of Hagerstown has

scheduled April 22, 2017 as a spring cleanup for West Lawn Cemetery April 29, 2017 is an alternate rain date. The authority reserves the right to remove materials placed upon the headstone or the grave site that in its opinion do not conform to good order, poses a hazard to other or creates maintenance difficulties.

Below is a list of those items that are permitted, as well as those items that are not permit-ted, to be placed upon a grave site(s) in West Lawn Cemetery.


American Flags, saddles and planted flowers in urns if placed upon the cement foundation or monument - floral arrangements may be used two weeks before Easter, Memorial Day, Mother's Day, Father's Day and Christmas and may stay for two weeks after. The excludes Winter Blankets that are not allowed at any time.


Curbing, walls, fences, West Lawn Spring Cleanuphedge border, stone edging, enclosures of any kind, wood boxes, winter blankets, wood crosses, cans, glass, candles or the planting of shrubs, flowers or plants on lots or grave spac-es. Fire arms, unless part of an organized funeral ceremony and spraying is not permitted. No dogs are allowed unless assisting a person of disability.

Anyone that has previously placed upon a grave an item(s) that are not permitted may pick them up sometime before the planned cleanup. During the cleanup, anything left on a grave that is not permitted will be removed and disposed of. All old faded flowers, wreaths, and saddles will be removed as well as anything that has been placed upon the ground.

These rules will be strictly enforced.

The Town is striving to make the final resting place for our loved ones as attractive as possible, and at the same time make it easier to maintain. We appreciate your consideration and cooperation in this matter.WHAT:

Hagerstown Elementary Kindergarten RoundupWHO:

Any child who will be 5 years old by August 1st, 2017WHEN:

Thursday, April 13th, 2017WHERE:

Hagerstown Elementary LGI room Thank you for your interest in enrolling your student at Hagerstown Elementary. We can’t wait to meet you!

To register for Kindergarten Roundup, please call Rachel Albert at 765-489-4555 be-tween 8:00 am and 3:00 pm.

Appointments are available on Thursday, April 13th from 8:30 am to 6:30 pm excluding 12:00 - 1:00pm.

Enrollment packets will be available to pick up in the Hagerstown Elementary front office beginning March 1st, 2017. Packets will include all paperwork required for en-rollment of your student. All enrollment papers should be completed and returned at the time of your appointment.

Students residing outside of the Nettle Creek School Cor -poration are welcome at Hag-erstown Elementary. Transfer tuition applications will be available at your appointment time if necessary.2017 Kindergarten

RoundupRobb and Brooke Ullery would like to announce the birth of their son, Robert Dean Ullery IV , born Saturday,

March 25, 2017 at 2:07 am weighing 9 lbs 10.4 oz and 22 1/2" long.

Big sister Hayden welcomed him home.

Proud grandparents are Kent and Shellie Gray, Steve and Rhonda Sickmann and Robert and Amy Ullery.

Easter Bunny Breakfast This Saturday!The Phi Chi Epsilon So-rority is pleased to announce

their annual Breakfast with the Easter Bunny will be Sat-urday, April 8. The breakfast will be from 8:30 -10:00 a.m. at the Hagerstown Elementa -ry School cafeteria. Cost for the pancake breakfast is $5 for adults and $3 for children.

The Easter Bunny will be on hand for photographs, so remember to bring your camera!4 - Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017Nettle Creek MinisterialAssociation Food Pantry

Open on the fourth Saturdayeach month from 9 - 11 a.m.

New TestamentChurch of ChristNext Date isSaturday, April 22ndPlease bring proof of residence in

the Nettle Creek School District(phone bill, electric bill, etc.)to be eligible to receive food.

The Nettle CreekGazette passes along our sincere sorrow to those families that have lost a loved one


The Western WayneNettle Creek Gazetteoffice hours are:

Tuesday - Friday9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Closed Monday 26 W. Church St.,Cambridge CityPhone: 765-478-5448Gene StamperMr. Gene Stamper, 86, passed

away on Friday, March 24 at his residence in Losantville.

He was born in Kimbrell, Kentucky on February 17, 1931 to Henry and Sarah Eliz -abeth Abney Stamper.

Gene worked on the Penn-sylvania Railroad before en-tering the US Army on Nov. 13, 1952. He was a combat veteran of the Korean War, serving in Co. G of the 224th Infantry Regiment. He re-turned home to build green-houses and later worked in the door division of Johnson Sheet Metal and the casket stamping division of Amedco, Inc. Gene used to drive race cars on the local dirt tracks. He loved to fish and hunt.

Gene will be missed by his wife, the former Dorothy Ri-ley; daughter & son-in-law, Vicki & Paul Mallory; daugh-ter-in-law, Terry Ann Riley; sons & daughters-in-law, Terry & Mickey Stamper, Edwin & Tamara Riley and Robert & Loretta Edwards; twelve grandchildren, eight great-grandchildren and sever -

al nieces & nephews.

Gene was preceded in death by his parents; son, Duane Riley, five sisters and five brothers.

The family would like to thank Henry Co. Home Care and Henry Co. Hospice for their tender and loving care of our husband and father.

Gene's life was celebrated on Saturday, April 1, at the Smith & McQuiston Funeral Home, 321 US 27 South, Fountain City. Military rites was de-livered by the Wayne County Honor Guard.

In lieu of flowers, memorial contributions may be sent to the American Cancer Society, 5635 West 96th Street, Suite 100, In-dianapolis, IN 46278 or online at www.donate.cancer.org.

Online condolences may be expressed at www.smithmc -quistonwebster.com .

Crystal S. DayCrystal S. (Berry) Day, 67, of Cambidge City passed away on Sunday, March 26, 2017 at Reid Health in Richmond sur -

rounded by her loved ones.

She was born on November 26, 1949 in Richmond, IN to Bruce W. and Phyllis L. (Whir -ley) Berry and had lived most of her adult life in the Wayne County Area. Crystal loved spending time with her grand-children and her dog Gizmo.

Survivors include her hus-band David M. Day; daughters Amy Day and Beth (Mike) Mc-Creery; grandchildren Kyle, Adda, Dakota, Reba, Zachary, Izabella, Alexander, Noah and Eli; great-grandchildren Carter and Cole; a sister Janet Love; and nieces and nephews.

Besides her parents she was preceded in death by a son James H. Day and 3 sisters Marsha, Rose and Julia.

Services were on Friday, March 31, 2017 at Waskom Capitol Hill Chapel in Cam-bridge City. Burial followed in Sugar Grove Cemetery near Greens Fork.

Martha Jean Grounds, 89, of Williamsburg, IN passed away Monday, March 27, 2017 at her residence. She was born June 27, 1927 in Carlos, IN the daughter of Glen and Grace Marie (Engle) Adamson.

Martha retired in 1983 as a Ward Clerk with the V A Hos-pital of Ft. Wayne, IN.

She was involved the Hunts-ville Community Center and enjoyed her time with the Red Hat Society. She enjoyed spending her leisure time play-ing cards and scrabble. She also known for her love of chocolate.

She leaves to cherish her memory two sons, Ronald Grounds (wife, Melinda) of Sulfur Springs, IN and Richard Grounds (wife, Debbie) of Spar -tanburg, SC; a daughter, Randi Johnson (husband, Robert) of Fountain City, IN; a sister, Joyce Thornburg of Williamsburg, IN; seven grandchildren, Julie Morrow, Carla Harris, Zachary Grounds, Stephanie Peterson, Shawn Grounds, Robbie and

Chad Johnson; twelve great grandchildren; four great-great grandchildren; special friends and caregivers, Lisa Caty and her Amish neighbors; and a fa-vorite feline companion, Razzle.

She was preceded in death by her parents; a husband, Carl; two brothers, Jim and Max Adamson; a sister, Juan-ita Enghaus; and two favorite feline companions, Tommy and Rachet.Maribel BarnardMaribel Barnard, 92, of

Economy, IN passed away Sunday evening, March 26, 2017 at The Springs of Rich-mond, IN. She was born May 2, 1924 in Randolph County, IN the daughter of Ralph Joseph and Elta Isaphene (Hitchcock) Banning. She was a graduate of Economy High School.

She leaves to cherish her memory a loving husband, Phillip M. Barnard; two sons, Joseph “Joe” Barnard (and wife Karen) of Lafayette, IN and Jon Barnard of Economy, IN; Many grandchildren and great grandchildren.

There will be a private graveside service only. No vis-iting hours. Thomas Memorial Chapel of Lynn, IN has been entrusted with arrangements. Online condolences may be expressed at www.wilson-shookfuneralhomes.com.

Martha Jean GroundsDon Mosier Sr. of Lapeer, MI (formerly of Centerline), died Saturday, March 4, 2017.

He was born June 10, 1949, in New Castle, IN, to Gordon and Jennie (Johnson) Mosier. Mr. Mosier was a proud Vietnam Veteran, serving his country in the U.S. Army. Don married Janice Bryant on December 18, 1971 in Richmond, IN. He worked from 1984-2015 for Formsprag Clutch, Inc. in War -

ren, where he rebuilt clutches used in industrial manufactur -ing. Don enjoyed trips to the casino, buying lottery tickets and feeding/watching the birds. Most of all, Don loved time with family, and was proud to have coached and umpired for his three sons when they played baseball and soccer.

Mr. Mosier is survived by his children, Bobby (Mika) Mosier of Seymour, IN, Ed-die (Heide) Mosier of Auburn, IN, and Jeff (Cindy) Mosier of Lapeer; 11 grandchildren; siblings, Nancy Wise of Indi-ana, Leroy (Jane) Mosier of Indiana, Sue (Dickie) Cross-ley of Indiana, Ellen Lauter -back of Montana, David (Di-ane) Mosier of Indiana, Barry

(Debbie) Mosier of Indiana and Elma Wren of Indiana; and many nieces and nephews.

He was preceded in death by his wife, Janice Mosier; par -ents, Gordon and Jennie Mosi-er; and sister, Jeannie Ullery.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Veteran's Chari-ty of your choice or the family.

A Memorial service was held at on Saturday April 1, 2017 at First Christian Church. Pastor Cindy Ploughe officiated with burial in Union City Cemetery.

To send flowers or a memo-rial gift to the family of Don Edward Mosier Sr. please visit our Sympathy Store.Don Mosier Sr.Michael Allen Garringer, 73, of Losantville, died at his home on Saturday, April 1, 2017, following a long illness.

He was born in Muncie on September 14, 1943 to Albert and Golda (King) Garringer and lived in the Losantville area since 2002. Mike served with the US Army, 1960-1962 and was a retired employee of Ontario Forge in Muncie. He was a private pilot and an out-doorsman, enjoying all forms

of outdoor activity.

Survivors include his lov-ing wife of 30 years, Beverly (Beeson) Garringer; a daugh-ter, Natalie Byrd; two step-sons, Rich Self and Rob Self (Lora); five grandchildren, Erika, Deondre, Kaeli, Mason and Jake; a great-granddaugh -ter, Auree, and a sister, Jana Green (Bob).

In addition to his parents, he was preceded in death by four siblings, Carol Garringer, Byron Garringer, Madonna Brown and Yvonne Wagner.

Services were on Tuesday, April 4, at Culberson Funer -al Home, Hagerstown. Pas-tor Paul Gearhardt officiated with burial in the Nettle Creek Friends Cemetery, where mili -

tary graveside services will be conducted.

Memorials may be made to Nettle Creek Friends Ceme-tery, c/o Eugene Beeson, 9399 Dalton Rd., Hagerstown, IN 47346, or to Little Red Door, 2311 W. Jackson St., Muncie, IN 47303.

Rhoda FoustRhoda Foust passed away March 30, 2017. She was born January 6, 1934 in Rockcastle county, KY to Henry and Ruby Alcorn. She spent most of her life in the Richmond, IN area.

Rhoda married Ronald Foust on March 5, 1977. Between the pair they shared seven children. Rhoda is preced-ed in death by three children; Johnny Clifton Howard (wife Lora), Sheila Yvonne Taylor (husband Steven) and infant James Henry Howard; her par -ents and two brothers Denver and Danny Alcorn.

Rhoda is survived by her loving husband Ronald Foust; brothers Dallas and Donald Alcorn; children Lily Andrews (husband Mike) of Little Rock, AR, Tammy Smith (husband James) of Greens Fork, IN, Ritchie Foust (Wife Amy) of Macomb, MI, Gretchen Naid-enoff (husband Jeff) of Naples, FL and Kirsta Solove (hus-band Jerry) of Hillard, OH; 12 grandchildren; 15 great-grand-children; 1 great-great grand-child and several nieces and nephews.

Rhoda graduated from Rich-mond Business College in 1977. She spent most of her life researching and studying the bible. She enjoyed shar -ing her studies with everyone who'd listen. The legacy she most wanted to leave the world is her website www.foust.info where she published her life-time of studies.Michael Allen GarringerServices for Rhoda were

Tuesday, April 4, 2017 at Riggle-Waltermann Mortu-ary. Darrel Walters officiated with. burial in Preble Memory Gardens. To send flowers or a memorial gift to the family of Rhoda Foust please visit our Sympathy Store.

Additional Obituaries on Page 8 and 11Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 - 5A Note from Cindy“No puppy this summer”/A Puppy Tale

Let me explain. Our daughter Ali is getting married here on the farm in August. Although Stephen and I had both grieved when our dog Jack died in De-cember, I didn’t want to add raising a puppy to the “Let’s

Spruce Up the Farm” policy we’ve adopted. Puppies poop everywhere. They dig holes. They gnaw on plants. You find one chewed-up garden glove in the yard alongside a rodent skeleton, left as a present.

Awwww but puppies are adorable, right?

Yes, but puppies run off with keys and trip anyone trying to walk a straight line. Puppies find themselves in the swampy part of the pond, not knowing what a pond is and end up cov-ered in gunk and algae. Mud-dy, gunky puppies are always happy to see their people and jump up on clean jeans. Pup-

pies shred Styrofoam cups and granola bar packages found in trash cans in the barn. Puppies are a giant pain.

I said “There will be cute puppies next year.”I said “No puppy this sum-mer.”In my heart, I knew that all

Steve O had to do was to show me a picture of an Australian Blue Shepherd pup and I’d cave. I wasn’t nearly the tough sell I talked myself up to be.

In some reverse psychologi-cal twist, Stephen didn’t take a picture of the puppies the day he stopped at the farm where our Jack was bred. He just put a deposit down to hold the choice between two dogs, fig-

uring out that I’d give in and choose one.

He says now he knew which one I’d pick. He also says he never heard me say “next year.”The morning he introduced the idea of visiting this dog breeder, I told him that I knew what he was up to. He was “showing off for the people coming to the wedding, play-ing with an outrageously per -

sonable puppy would complete the ultimate Oler farm expe-rience of riding a combine, feeding the cows and finding kittens in the hay mow.”Pre-dog, I had considered a lot of potential names with no apparent front runner. When we saw this little guy, he wad-dled across the straw filled stall over the top of his litter mates. His expressive face seemed jolly, he was definitely the chubbiest and I knew that Frosty (as in the snowman) was going home to Economy.

On the way to our farm, we declared that this eight-week old ball of fur would stay in the dog kennel in the calf barn. While we were shaking out fresh straw, our little guy, wanting to check out his sur -roundings, nosed his way into Marvin the donkey’s lot. Mar -vin reared back, brayed and rolled that pup right under the fence like he was scoring the winning goal in a soccer match.

Frosty hightailed it into the nearest cattle lot which is knee deep in mud and stink. He curled up like a pill bug, stayed there and whimpered. We de-cided that he could sleep in an old lamb cage in the garage.

“He’s only eight-weeks old!”Frosty now spends his days in the dog kennel in the barn but his nights are spent on a plush upholstered cushion in-side his new crate in our heat-ed garage.

Puppies require time and training. If you make eye con-tact with Frosty when he’s in his comfy crate, then you need to take him out to pee. Today, he learned how to get in the truck, visiting the carwash and the Dairy. He silently rode in the back of the gator, out to

the pasture to check the cows and their calves. Most impor -tantly, he is learning that “no” means “no.”Right.oxo

Egg Hunt Baskets Bicycle DrawingDonut Holes Easter Bunny Photo BoothGreens Fork Community CenterEASTER EGG HUNTSaturday, April 8th at 1:00 p.m.

Williamsburg Lions Club Breakfast The Williamsburg Lion's Club would like to invite you to breakfast on Saturday April 15th from 7-10 am at the Wil-liamsburg Community Center. Breakfast includes scrambled eggs, sausage, biscuits & gra-

vy, and pancakes The cost is $6 per person.

For questions about the Wil-liamsburg Lions Club please contact Lions Club President Tim Oler at 513.582.4900American Legion Easter Egg HuntThe Annual American Legion Easter Egg Hunt will be Satur -

day, April 15th at 1:00 p.m. As always, the eggs will be scat-tered around Hagerstown Park with the Easter Bunny himself arriving at 12:45!There will be four separate areas for the following: Baby to 3 years, 3 years to 5 years, 5 years to 8 years and 8 years to

12 years.

Get there early for photos with the famous rabbit!What are all those blue pinwheels doing in front of the library? They are “Pinwheels for Protection - Pre-vent Child Abuse. The sign says “They’re not just pinwheels, they’re a promise. This pinwheel represents a commitment to making our community a safe and nurturing place for all kids and families.”6 - Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 Varsity Tiger Baseball OpenerWhen perennial 4A power

Richmond arrived at Lloyd Michael field Wednesday for the Tiger Baseball season opener the purple clads had plenty of motivation. The Ti-gers had not defeated the Red

Devils since 1999 and the first Coaches Poll ranked Hager -stown as the 14th best team in 1A. The Tigers, who were a little insulted that the poll-sters did not rank them high-er, killed two birds with one stone. Trey Kelley and Drew Pyle combined on a two hitter, striking out 14, and the Tigers banged out 8 hits to cruise to a 5-0 season opening victory.

Austin Turner, who has com-mitted to play for IU-South Bend at the collegiate level, had both Richmond hits, but he was also thrown out at-tempting to steal second base twice during the game. Mason Hicks drove in three runs for the Tigers with 2 doubles and Trey Kelley also stroked two doubles.

The game started as a pitchers duel. Austin Turner reached on a two out first in-ning single before Trey Kelley recorded his second strike out of the inning to end the threat. The Tigers drew two walks to start the bottom of the first before Red Devil starter Phil-lip Hobbs settled down and retired the next three batters. Kelley struck out the first two batters he faced in the sec-ond before Darious Clemens

reached on an error. Kelley walked the next batter and then left both stranded with a strike out to end the inning. Cam Purtha delivered the first Tiger hit of the contest with a two out single in the bottom of the second but the next Tiger batter was thrown on a ground ball by the second baseman. Turner produced the second Red Devil hit of the game with a two out single in the top of the third but he was thrown out at second on a steal attempt.

The Red Devils brought in a new pitcher, Spencer Lahman, in the bottom of the third and the Tigers adjusted to his side-arm delivery quickly. He re-tired the lead off hitter but Kel-ley followed with a double to centerfield. Mason Hicks drew a walk and Drew Pyle ham-mered a 2 RBI double to right

center. Cody Wilson struck out, but the catcher dropped the ball and Wilson ran to first drawing a throw that allowed Pyle to steal third base. Trent Weiss hit a deep shot that fell just of the left field fence to plate Pyle and push the Ti-ger advantage to 3-0. Kelley continued to mow down the Devils, pushing his strike out

Tigers Defeat Red Devils 5-0total to 10, before giving way to Drew Pyle with two outs in the fifth inning. Pyle hit the first batter he faced and then promptly struck out the next to

end the inning.

The Tigers threatened in the bottom of the fifth. A two out infield single by Weiss loaded the bases but Josiah Sizemore came on in relief and ended the threat when he coaxed the batter into

hitting a rou-tine ground ball to the second baseman. Turner reached base for the third time to lead off the sixth inning with a walk. But, for the sec-ond time in the game, he was gunned down trying to steal second base.

The Tigers added two insur -ance runs in the bottom of the sixth. Owen Golliher reached on an error. Kelley followed with a ground rule double and Hicks smacked a two RBI double to bring them home. Pyle closed out the shutout with two more strikeouts and a ground out to end the game.

Richmond Head Coach Shawn Turner was compli -mentary to the Tigers. “The Hagerstown team obviously did a better job than we did” Turner said “They are a good team. Brad (Catey) and his guys did a good job of getting them ready. They threw two good pitchers at us. I know that they are excited. Apparently it the first time they have de-feated Richmond since 1999. I didn’t know that before the game, nor did I care. We will have to improve. It was obvi-

ous that this game meant more to Hagerstown than it did to us. It is only one game but this should motivate us” Tiger Head Coach Brad Cat-ey was pleased with the win “For us, playing Richmond ear -ly in the season is a test,” Catey explained. “It is an easy game

to get up for. When you play a quality program like Richmond the guys are always fired up and ready to play. As the game went on we got more confi-dence. Once we got that first

run we were able to build on it.

They say hitting is contagious and for a while there it was.”Trey Kelley picked up the victory and spoke for the team after the game. “We want-ed to start off with a win,” Kelley said, “and to do that against a team we not beat-en as a program for nearly 20 years should help give us momentum and confidence. Drew (Pyle) and I were able to throw strikes and that was

important.” The Tigers will host anoth-er team from Richmond, the Seton Catholic Cardinals, on April 4th.

Richmond (0-1)0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 2Hagerstown (1-0)0 0 3 0 0 2 0 5 8 1Batteries (R) Hobbs, Lah-man (3), Sizemore 5 and Hall (H) Kelley, Pyle (4) and C. Purtha (Winning Pitcher Kelley) (Losing Pitcher Lah-man) Richmond Hits-Turner (2) Hagerstown Hits- Hicks, Kelley (2) C. Purtha, Pyle (2), Weiss (2)--Extra Base Hits

(H) Doubles-Hicks, Kelley (2), Pyle, Weiss. Lob. Rich-mond 8, Hagerstown 9 Observation From the Press Box: The Tiger staff did a great job of preparing the field for the opener. The Richmond coaching staff who are used to playing in historic McBride Stadium were very

complimentary . . . Tiger fans showed up in support of the home team. A sea of purple filled up one set of bleachers and most of the other. As the season progresses visitors may have to stand.

I have been to many sport-ing events but I heard an an-nouncement at this game that I have never heard before. Russell announced over the PA system that a set of false teeth had been turned in at the concession stand. It is great to have enthusiastic fans but don’t get so wrapped up in the game that you lose your teeth.

See you at Lloyd Michael Field!Hagerstown Elementary Honor Roll - 3rd QuarterAll A Honor RollSecond GradeButler, Madison MarieMendoza, Logan AnthonyMorgan, Kaden RyanRudicil, Kelsey Anna Marie Russell, Brenden ElishaThird GradeSpears, Paytin Ellie

Fourth GradeCombs, William Russell ScottFifth GradeCallahan, Toni Elizabeth Klein, Logan MichelleLinderman, Nolan Matthew Mathews, Liam ConnorPyle, Hannah ElizabethSixth Grade

Gard, Michael Justice Hilbert, Damian Alan LaMar, Bryce Trenton A / B Honor RollSecond GradeAllen, Peyton Ray Baker, Ellie Paige Bane, Mackenzie Christine Beckman, Madison Ellaine Belcher, Josiah David Benson, Ellie Raye Sylvana Burris, Chase Cameron Caldwell, Oliver Zachary Chalfant, Jaelyn Elizabeth Croft, Jayden Scott DeVinney, Caylin June Gideon, Joseph Alan Gilbert, Abigail Brynn Gwin, Craig Eugene Jr Haler, Sawyer Brie Hine, Raelee Mae Johnson, Syniah Merae Anne Jones, Hazard Edison-Pierce King, Nora Camille Long, Jacob Ray Masters, Lily Christine McClure, Hailey Rae Miller, Haven Grace Moore, Kevlei Ann Neuman, Isabel Fatima Neuman, Lucy AnnePayne, Zaylee MariaSchmitz, Cale Oliver Shock, Izayah Gabriel Slaven, Avery LynnStockberger, Miranda Elisabeth Van Meter, Kinze Isabel Wells, Kristopher Fredrick Alan Werking, Collin Jo Wilson, Payton Marie Third GradeBerger, Leyton James Blunk, Avery Clair Bowlin, Evan Reid Carter, Collin Bennet Cheeseman, Elly Rynee Chew, Davin Charles

Cowan, Katelynn Ashlee DeBruler, Connor Ryland Denney, Madison Lee Ervin, Kaden Alan Favorite, Brady Duane Finney, Shelby Kathleen Herr, Kendrick DonaldJarvis, Aubry Marie Keeton, Makenna Jo Lynn Lester, Kadyn Michael Lindsey, Miranda Marie Lovvorn, Kendall Amanda Elizabeth Lumpkin, Abigail Jane Lumpkin, Taylor Nicole Mathews, Rowan McKenzie McKee, Jordanne Brooke Miller, Sidney Raeshelle Murphy, Madison Lee Nash, Allyssa ReneNicholson, Sidney RosePatterson, Taylor Lynn Pruitt, Halle May Pruitt, Hayden Isaac

Reeves, Kylee Dawn Ross, Alten Cullen Schmitz, Isaac Edgar Senese, Sophia Angelina Spears, Karrigan Leona Stapleton, Paul Thomas Sullivan, Gavin Thomas Thalls, Izabella Kathryn

Tinkle, Bryce David Alan Vinson, Addison Mae Wampler, Caden RyanWilson, Levi HayesFourth GradeBeaty, Hayden Grace Campbell, Ethan Brian Creech, Brock Franklin Davey, Creighton Wallace Doerstler, Griffin Merrell Grover, Aiden Jase Harman, Ethan Tyler Harrison, Kalynn Marie

Jarrett, Emma Carlen King, Dallas William Klein, Olivia Reine Lawson, Landon Wayne Logston, Ella Lynn March, Robert Thaddeus III Martindale, Sydney Jolene Grace Meek, Zoe Xin-Mei Miller, Brookley LaikenMull, Garrett Bailen Nash, Cory James Payne, Rizael Gerhard Ramsey, Carter Scott Rose, Jaylen Nicole Senese, Brock AnthonyShilling, Andrew Jae Snodgrass, Emma Ruth Stinson, Allison Jeannine

Terry, Brooklyn Nichole Ullery, Lola Jeanne Walker, Alyssa Marie Wilson, Kaitlyn Grace Young, Dakota Shane Young, Rylan Lindsey Fifth GradeArnold, Hayden Berger, Lowell Childs, Gabriel Jackson Cottrell, Morgan Rae Craig, Kori Blayke Ervin, Kayne Alan Farmer, Ronald Zane Ferriell, Kasiti Makenna Glunt, Katie Renee Lieberman, Jacob AllenMcMurray, Scout Nicolette Neuman, Ava Grace Phelps, Connor Jason Bradley Reeves, Elana Grace Scarrette, David Schmitz, Avery Rose Terhaar, Johnathon Wayne Williams, Benjamin Donald Williamson, Morgan Nicole Zhen Sixth GradeBeckman, Alexander Lee Black, Morgan Nichole DeVinney, Linda Grace Funkhouser, Jordyn Paige Girdley, Miriam Brooke Grams, Erika Jane Grever, Madison Nicole Grover, Sydney Dru Hoover, Anna Elaine Jenkins, Carter Kenton Lowhorn, Gage Lee Moore, Ava Marie Mull, Quaid Christopher Murphy, Alexis Jeri Nadler, Emily Grace Nash, Parker Scott Oliger, Delaney Maryann Ridge, Hannah Kay Romack, Mason Owen Scholl, Kenzie Renae Severance, Lilly Isabelle Shelton, Isabella Leann Smith, Ashlyn Michelle Stockberger, Morgan RenaeVinson, Kylee Marie Werking, Ethan Robert

Way ToGo Kids!Mason Hicks drove in three runsTrey Kelley throwing strikes

i missed church today, but last week the sermon was about faithfulness. main-ly what i remember is that God is faithful. of course, this made me think of a song (although the hymn we sang "Great is Thy Faithfulness"

was awesome, too). one of the Christian groups i like to listen to has a song in which they sing that they can take God at His Word.

what about us? do we al-ways do what we said that we would? i don't know about you, but i sometimes fall short in this area.

i tried a couple of new rec-ipes. one i saw on facebook and the other one is from Guidepost magazine:

CHALLAH IN A BAG1 tbsp. yeast1 cup warm water3 tbsp. sugar 1/2 tbsp. salt1/3 cup canola oil3 cups all-purpose flour +

1/4 cup1 egg for basting (optional for vegan challah, substitute olive oil)Sesame seeds for topping

PREPARATION1. In a 1 gallon plastic zip-loc bag, add the yeast, water, sugar, salt, oil and 3 cups of flour.

2. Give the bag a little shake.

3. Place the bag in a bowl of warm water for 30 min.

4. Remove from bowl, shake, release air from bag, and place on the table for 1 hour. Flip bag every 20 min. The dough should be very wet. It will start to bubble and self-knead.

5. After the 1 hour, add 1/4 cup flour and give the bag an-other shake. This makes the dough not stick to the bag.

6. Leave the bag for 1 hour and 30 min. to rise. It should still be a wet dough. If it’s not rising, flip it over and knock it down. If the dough is wet, the recipe will turn out amazing.

7. Preheat oven to 300F/150C.8. On a well-floured sur -face, shape the dough.

9. Spray with cooking spray and sprinkle flax seeds, chia seed and oats on top. Leave to rise for 15 min. before it goes in the oven.

10. Bake on a non stick tray for 40 min.

CANDIED CARROTS1 1/2 lbs. carrots, cut in strips3 T. balsamic vinegar3 T. olive oil2 T. brown sugarsalt and pepperMake a dressing of the vine-gar, oil and sugar. Toss carrots in the dressing, sprinkle with salt and pepper and bake 40-50 minutes in a 400 degree oven. Sprinkle on some lemon juice and garnish with bits of ricotta cheese and dill weed.The Nettle Creek Gazette passes along our deepest sympathy for

those fam-10:15 WorshipWilderness Series: A Lenten Journey each Sunday Holy Week Begins with Palm Sunday, April 9 Waving the PalmsMaundy Thursday April 13

7:00 p.m. Communion & Foot WashingGood Friday April 14Noon & 6:30 p.m.

Easter Worship8:00 a.m. - Chapel Service8:30 a.m. - Continental Breakfast in Café9:00 a.m. - Youth & Jam GroupSunday School/Egg Hunt

9:00 a.m. - Adult Sunday School Classes for all agesEaster Worship 10:15Nursery ProvidedHagerstown First United

Methodist ChurchPastor John E.

Huff invites you to worship with us each Sunday.

199 S Perry St Hagerstown 489-4558“If you want to succeed you should strike out on new paths, rather than travel the worn paths of accepted success.” - John D. RockefellerNeed the latest in “Tigerwear?”

The Logo Shoppe is your one stop purple and gold store!The Wayne County Convention and Tourism Bureau Announces 4th Annual Children’s Postcard ContestThe Wayne County Conven-tion and Tourism Bureau in-vites area children to share their

artistic vision of what Wayne County means to them in the form of a postcard design.

Last year children throughout Wayne County shared wonder -ful entries full of fun graphics, bright colors and positive imag-es about Richmond and Wayne County! The winner, Savanna Blair age 11, drew a beauti-ful image depicting significant sights and sounds in Wayne County including; Artisans, Music, Nature and much more.

One winner will be select -ed from each of the following categories: Ages 5-8 and ages 9-12. One grand prize winner will be selected from all en-tries. The grand prize winner will have their design pro-duced into real post cards that will be sold at the Old Nation-al Road Gift Shop & posted

on the Wayne County Tourism Bureau’s website (www.Vis-itRichmondorg) and will re-ceive a Wayne County gift bag full of Wayne County items.

The winner’s postcard design will be seen by thousands of tourists that stop at the Wel-come Center! The contest begins Wednes-

day, March 29th and runs through Friday, April 21st. A parent or guardian will need to sign an entry form for each child. Forms can be picked up at the Old National Road Wel-come Center, 5701 National Road East, downloaded from our website http://visitrich -mond.org/visitors/things-to-do/childrens-postcard-contestand will be distributed

through area local schools.

Completed designs must be re-turned to the Welcome Center by 4 p.m. on Friday, April 21st. Winner will be announced Sat-urday, May 6th during the Bu-reau’s National Tourism Week Kick-Off Celebration during a special ceremony recognizing the contest’s 3 winners. “I’ve known Shellie Gray ever since I moved to Hag-

erstown in 1969,” mentions Cindy. “Shellie (Sharp) was a dancer in my first recital and I’ve been blessed to teach all three of the Gray girls. She knows what she’s doing.”

Oler comments on two oth-er long time employees that keeps the shop humming. “Donna Monroe was with the shop when we purchased it in 2010. She’s so creative with her thread colors and her knowledge of the embroidery pro-cess. She has a keen eye for detail and enjoys her in-teraction with cus-tomers.”“Brenda Hood-

lebrink has been a quiet, steady pres-ence at the store on 98 West Main for years. Brenda and Shellie grew up together in Hagerstown and like a good friend, Miss Shellie has actively supported the Hoodlebrink family, from organizing a benefit supper to printing t-shirts. Check out the Super Ginger corner of one of the display windows.”

Over the years, the commu-nity has been appreciative of several distinctive window displays, especially the Breast Cancer Awareness blast of pink in October and the Frosty’s that appear in January. Then every-one is happy to see the snow-men go away when it’s time for spring and the multi-colored poms take center stage with

bunnies and eggs, signaling the end of winter.

“I always tell a new employ-ee it is fun to go out to the lit-tle league diamond on opening day to take a look at all the uni-forms we have done,” Gray says about the rewards of their hard work. “It is sort of an awestruck

moment to see them all on the field at one time and know we did those.”The store is gearing up for their busiest

season, which is spring. The Hagerstown Little League as well as and other schools they supply will be needing this seasons line ups. Their sec-ond busiest time of the year is when school starts back up in the fall. Thankfully, the store has the assistance of two other Giving Those Tigers Something to Wear!Continued From Page 1

The DNR Division of Fish & Wildlife re-minds Indiana anglers that last year’s fishing licenses are about to

expire and that they are encouraged to report their big catches this year.

Indiana fishing licenses are valid from April 1 through March 31 of the following year, so a 2017 license will be re-quired beginning this Saturday.

With a few exceptions, a val-id fishing license issued by the DNR is needed to fish in public lakes, streams, rivers or tribu-taries in Indiana or its boundary waters. Children younger than 18 and adults born be-fore April 1, 1943 are not required to have a license to fish.

An annual fish-ing license costs $17 for Indiana residents and $35 for non-residents Indiana residents who are at least 64 years old and born after March 31, 1943 are eligible to buy a Senior Annual ($3) or Senior Fish for Life ($17) license.

Licenses can be purchased online at INHuntFish.com, in person at more than 525 retail-ers statewide, or by calling the DNR Customer Service Center at (317) 232-4200 during normal business hours.

Get Your License - Report Your Catch!The Nettle Creek Gazette now has an active Facebook page!!! Somehow, these two fellows were able to create a page last week through trial and lots of errors. Neither one is a computer spe-cialist but after pushing a lot of buttons and making fun of the others shortcomings of social media technology, Dan Harney and Joe Klemann are shooting for 500 likes before this week’s end. We still are not sure what a “like” is, but it sounds like something positive.

Check it out for news and sports from the Nettle Creek area.

Sue Chandler is busy silk screening a colorful order of t-shirtsfine employees, Laurie McKee and Erin Hart to help out!I asked Shellie what their

biggest project she has over -seen and she didn’t skip a beat with the answer. “The biggest was the Kids Against Hunger project last year. That was a lot of shirts!”

Oler concluded that she is al-ways on the lookout for Tiger wear. “When we’re shopping in New Castle or Richmond, we always double check any Tiger shirts, knowing that they were probably printed right in the heart of our community.” Thank You, Lord, For Another Good Day!Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 - 7

The Nettle Creek Gazette costs $1.00 over the counter which is $52.00 a year.

A local subscription costs $30.00 a yearon-line or paper copy.

The rest of Indiana costs only $35.00 Out of State is $40.00Call us at 765-478-54488 - Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017FONZETTESThe Fonzettes of coaches Pat McCormack and Jana Albertson com-

pleted their summer season with a record of six wins in 11 starts. Team members shown here are, in front, left to right, Nancy Guthrie, Suzy Workman, Beth McConnell, Laura McConnell, Lesa Guthrie and Bren-da Wilson. Second row: Carol McIntnyre, Christi Albertson, Dianna Dumford, Bev Wilson, Karen Atchison and coach McCormack, Not present for the picture: coach Albertson, Jackie Rhoades and Debbie Lundy.

THE 76ERS of HAGERSTOWNOne of Hagerstown's entries in the girls' summer softball league is the 76ers coached by Pam Rawlings and Pat Sharp. Shown here, in front, left to right, are Barbara Scott, Cindy Harrison, Amy Frame, Lori Weber, Debbie Taylor and Suzy Harrison. Second row: Laurie Davis, Anita Conwell, Shellie Sharp, Brenda McCoy, Amy Douglass, Robin Justice and Michelle Born. Third row: coach Rawlings, Sandy Hall, Stacie Sharp, Andrea Foulke, Angela Davis and coach Sharp. Sherrie Wilson was not present for the picture.When I saw these

two photos of girls’ softball, had a re-cent chance to meet my old social stud-ies teacher from high school as well

as having a reunion of friends I have not seen in 35 years the prior week, I got to reminiscing about the "Good Old Days." That term takes on a variety of meanings for each generation. Most of us zero

in on a certain period of our youth because being young is almost always preferred over not being young. Whatever it is, we each have a different idea of what and where the

"days" were and what was so good about them.

But let's just side step any ar -guments right here and now . .

. the seventies were the good old days. The team names “Fonzettes” and the “76er’s of Hagerstown” easily label these photos as gems from the 1970’s . . . . ten years of feel-ing groovy and basing our oth-er feelings on what color our

mood ring was. A time when we thought the uniqueness of the AMC Pacer was the auto look of the future and giving a rock as a pet was considered a stylish gift at the time.

Fast food was Burger Chef, Coca-Cola came in thick glass bottles and we bought packag-es of baseball cards for only a dime with the bonus of bubble-

gum that was tough as a catch-er’s mitt. We put the player’s cards we didn't like between our bike spokes to make it sound like a motorcycle.

Our parents saved Green Stamps so we could one day talk them into trad-ing the booklets in for a pocket AM/FM transistor ra-

dio. Most televi -sion stations went off the air at 2:00 a.m. so they could reel up some more reruns of Gilligan's Island for the next

day. Most of us didn't have microwaves to heat our leftovers or win-dow air conditioners to make summer nights tolerable.

We drove monster muscle machines with engines the size of our living rooms until they

were downsized to hamster wheels in 1974 due to gas shortages. The only way to watch a video was television or the spooled up 35mm in health class teaching the proper way to brush up and down to avoid tooth decay. We believed we could order x-ray glasses from the back of a comic book for

75 cents and that bell bottom jeans would never fade away.

Our generation was forever altered by the sounds of Led Zeppelin, Rush and Deep Pur -ple while others enjoyed the smooth sounds of the Eagles, The Spirit of the Seventies Kansas, Journey and Lynyrd Skynyrd. Others became overwhelmed and possessed

by the beat of disco. I hope most of them recovered from this sickness.

K-Tell's "Disc-O-Selector" made it easy for teenagers to flip through their record col-lection while most of us just stored them in plastic milk crates (and still do). We feared

an attack from a 25-foot Great White Shark whenever we were in the vicinity of a body of water bigger than a soup bowl and the two words "Star Wars" began a trend where every boy and male adult’s Christmas list

included a Millennium Falcon.

Collecting beer cans seemed like a sound investment, everyone had the talent to be a rock star without any real musical talent, Prin-gles were the decade’s most

technological advancement and the Muppet Show was en-tertainment gold.

A mimeograph machine in school produced copies that had a strong smell and made us sick but a chalk eraser fight would take care of that aro-ma. Jiffy Pop was as much

fun to make as it was to eat and we all were told to Keep on Truckin' even if were too young to drive.

And that is why I feel the "Good Old Days" were the sev-enties. I bet there are a bunch of you happening people, in-cluding many of the girls in these photos, that would agree.

See ya on the flipside. Be cool and rock on.

by Joe “Commander Fizz” KlemannGlora L. An-derson, 76, of Greenfield, died on April 1, 2017. Glora was born in Hager -stown on June 7, 1940. She was the daugh-ter of Vernon "Bud" Freeman and Thelma Ellington Freeman; grand-daughter to Charles "Haney", Blanch Kuhn Freeman and Maude and Henry Ellington.

Glora is survived by her husband, Charles "Ronald" Anderson, of 59 years; her sister, Jan Abbott; her sons, Bret (Judy), Chris (Erin), and David; her grandchildren, Tara (Anthony), Charles (Jennifer), Alex, Allan, Ryan, David Colin, Ashley and Ava; and her great-grandchildren, Natalee, Chloe and Madilynn.

Glora loved to garden, read, watch the Reds, Pacers, Browns, Colts, IU, do crossword puzzles, as well as read her many Bibles. She was an avid animal lover, and had many family pets over the years from Frosty, Dinky and Fred; and her Golden Retrievers, of Josie and Jes-sie. Glora was a long-time member of Trinity Park United Methodist Church, contributing to Sunday School and the Jessie Dorsey group. She also served on the building committee for Trinity Park Ministry Center.

While her children grew up, she sup-ported their sports programs, while working as librarian at the Greenfield Library. She began volunteering at Weston Elementary, in Greenfield and became the school librarian until retir -ing 1994. She also served on the library board for Friends of the Library. She also loved spending Sundays with her grandchildren and great-grandchild.

Visitation will be held from 4:00 to 8:00 pm on Wednesday, April 5, 2017 at Stillinger Family Funeral Home, Pasco Chapel of Greenfield, 1780 W.

Main St, Greeenfield, IN 46140. A fu-neral service will be held at 10:00am on Thursday, April 6, 2017 at Trinity Park United Methodist Church, 207 W. Park Ave, Greenfield, IN 46140 with Pastor Mike Manning officiating. Burial will follow at West Lawn Cem-etery in Hagerstown, IN.

Memorial contributions in memory of Glora may be sent to the American Cancer Society, 5635 W. 96th St, Suite 100, Indianapolis, IN 46278Friends may share memories and/or condolences with the family online at www.stillingerfamily.com

Glora L. AndersonThere are lots of items for sale at the Thrift Shop in Greens Fork!You're certain to find something that you need there.

Stop by and check it out!19 Pearl Street, Greens Fork Open Thurs-Fri-Sat-Sun from 12:00 - 4:00 p.m.

The ultimate carefree petNettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 - 95814 Brick Church Rd.

HagerstownPaula Horstman765-993-3371$49,900Paula HorstmanReal Estate Broker1010 South A Street

Richmond, IN 47374Office: 765.966.7653Cell: 765.993.3371Fax: 765.962.2277FIRST REALTY GROUP

PHorstman@BHGHomesforSale.com www.BHGHomesforSale.comAn Independently Owned and Operated FranchiseESTATE PLANNING ATTORNEYS214 S Main St. • New Castle, IN 47362 (765) 529-2100 • ((765) 529-3532 (fax)

gcrider@hcclaw.com • gjcrider@hcclaw.com Gregory L. CriderGregory J. CriderEMPLOYMENTCLASSIFIEDSNice two bedroom home in Hager -stown. Must have damage deposit.

966-4026 (4/5)Wanted: General Labor PositionLocal drug free recycling company is currently accepting resumes for a general labor position. Fork truck, baling and grinding (plastic) expe-

rience preferred. Machine opera -tor experience a plus. Starting pay based on experience.Requirements: High School Diplo -ma, valid driver's license, no felo-nies, must be able to lift 50# plus.

Please email resumes to:humres@1polymersource.com (4/5)HOUSE FOR RENTHenry County is experienc-ing a late outbreak of seasonal flu with children and the el-

derly being the most adverse-ly affected, although all ages are getting the flu. With an estimated 6 percent of Hen-ry County residents with the flu, visitor restrictions began Wednesday, March 29 at Hen-ry Community Health’s Main Campus/Hospital.

At this time restrictions are only for those visitors under the age of 18. No person un-der 18 is to visit any inpatient within the hospital unless they are a parent visiting a sick child in the Women & Children’s Unit. Children who may need to come in with parents who are seeking help in the Emer -gency Department are allowed,

but will need to remain in the Emergency Department area.

Anyone with flu-like symp-toms or if you think you have been exposed to the flu, also are urged not to visit anyone in the hospital or extended care facilities.

Signage has been placed throughout the Hospital ad-vising visitors and staff. This message also may be seen throughout the Henry Com-munity Health system.

It is hoped by limiting visi-tors within the hospital to keep the spread of flu here low and not expose patient, staff and other visitors to the flu.

Infection Preventionist Te-resa Thacker, RN says, “As always in flu season be sure to use good respiratory eti -quette and cover your cough by coughing into your sleeve -

you know, like a vampire.

“You also need to be vigi-lant about good hand washing to cut down on the amount of bacteria that is left on surfac-es in our environment. Wash your hands often,” she added.

Protective masks and hand sanitizer stations are available throughout the Hospital for your convenience.

Thacker reminds everyone that people can shed the flu virus for several days before symptoms start and they are contagious even without fever for 7 days after the symptoms begin.

Influenza SymptomsThe CDC (Centers for Dis-ease Control and Prevention) says Influenza (also known as the flu) is a contagious respira-tory illness caused by flu virus-es. It can cause mild to severe illness, and at times can lead to death. The flu is different from a cold. The flu usually comes on suddenly. People who have the flu often feel some or all of these symptoms:

• Fever* or feeling feverish/chills•Cough •Sore throat•Runny or stuffy nose•Muscle or body aches

•Headaches•Fatigue (tiredness)•Some people may have vomiting and diarrhea, though this is more common in chil-dren than adults.

* It's important to note that not everyone with flu will have a fever. Flu ComplicationsMost people who get influ-enza will recover in several

days to less than two weeks, but some people will develop complications as a result of the flu. A wide range of complica -tions can be caused by influen-za virus infection of the upper respiratory tract (nasal passag-

es, throat) and lower respirato-ry tract (lungs). The CDC says, while anyone can get sick with flu and become severely ill, some people are more likely to experience severe flu illness. Young children, adults aged 65 years and older, pregnant women, and people with cer -tain chronic medical condi-

tions are among those groups of people who are at high risk of serious flu complications, possibly requiring hospitaliza -tion and sometimes resulting

in death. For example, people with chronic lung disease are at higher risk of developing severe pneumonia.

Sinus and ear infections are examples of moderate com-plications from flu, while pneumonia is a serious flu complication that can result from either influenza virus infection alone or from co-in-fection of flu virus and bac-teria. Other possible serious complications triggered by flu can include inflammation of the heart (myocarditis),

brain (encephalitis) or muscle (myositis, rhabdomyolysis) tissues, and multi-organ fail-ure (for example, respiratory and kidney failure). Flu virus infection of the respiratory tract can trigger an extreme inflammatory response in the body and can lead to sepsis, the body’s life-threatening re-

sponse to infection. Flu also can make chronic medical problems worse. For example, people with asthma may ex-perience asthma attacks while they have the flu, and people with chronic heart disease may experience a worsening of this condition triggered by flu.

Visitation Restrictions Announced at Henry Community Health Due to Flu OutbreakAsubscription to the

NettleCreekGazetteis thegift that

gives allyearround!10 - Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017New

LifeHoliness306 Market St., Economy886-5842Worship: 8:45 a.m.

Sunday School: 9:45 a.m.

Pastor: Ken WoodenPastor: Ken Wooden 108 S. Main St. Greens Fork886-5842Worship: 10:30 a.m.630 E. Main, 489-5440

Pastor: Robert FanninAsst. Pastor: David AmesChurch 489-5440Day Care 489-354410636 Lacy Rd.

West of Inter - Rd. 1 - Rd. 35Pastor: Ben SnyderPhone: 765-729-9889Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Worship:10:30 a.m.

Church: 489-5512Pastor: Brian Mackie2044 N. 900 E (Lamar Road)(5 mi. NW of Hagerstown)Come Worship With Us!!

Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.Corner of Walnut & Elm StreetsPastor: Ron ColemanPhone: 489-4070Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Worship: 10:30 a.m.

Wednesday: 7:30 p.m.

Prayer Meeting: Sunday: 6 p.m.

49 S. Sycamore St.

HagerstownMinister: Greg GuffeySunday School:

10:00 - 10:45 a.m.

Sunday Worship Service:

11:00 a.m.

White Branch Church of theBrethrenEconomyUnitedMethodistChurch5352 N. Brick Church Road

Hagerstown765-489-4430Pastor: Brian Mackiewww.nettlecreekcob.comWorship: 9:00 a.m.

Sunday School: 10:00 a.m.Nettle Creek Church of the BrethrenFirstBaptist Church

(Southern)WestRiver FriendsGreens ForkUnitedMethodist Church

Hagerstown Churchof the Nazarene116 S. Green St., Greens ForkSunday School:10:00 a.m.

Worship: 11:00 a.m.

Sunday Eve. Worship: 6 p.m.

Wed. Eve.Worship: 7:00 p.m.

* Bus pickup available for SS& Evening ServicesCall Will Clark: 765-407-1995Pastor: Louie BurkhartPhone: 765-939-3683Greens Fork Trinity

Pentecostal HolinessChurch116 E Pearl St. State Rd 38 Evangelist: Matt Fagan Sunday School: 9:30 a.m.

Worship Service: 10:30 a.m.

Congregational Christian United Church of Christ201 So. Washington StreetHagerstown

Phone: 765-489-5612Pastor: Rick AlveyWorship Service 10:30 a.m.Office hours:

Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m.

Lead Minister: Paul Gearhardt New TestamentChurch of ChristSugar Grove

Community ChurchHagerstown First United Methodist199 South Perry St., Hagerstown

489-4558Sunday School: 9:00 a.m.

Worship: 10:15 a.m.6404 Sugar Grove Rd.

Greens ForkPastor: Adam Rinehart752 W. Main St., Hagerstown489-5762 www.ntcc.ushfumc@firsthagerstown.org

Senior Pastor: John E. HuffGreens Fork Christian Church Sunday School: 9:00 a.m.

Morning Worship: 10:00 a.m.

Wednesday Bible Study:

10:00 a.m. & 7:00 p.m.

Nettle CreekAreas of WorshipThe Church25 W. Main St., HagerstownSunday Worship: 11:11 a.m.

antonpayne@gmailAnton Payne, PastorCome join us in worship“Get Real”“I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives

in me. The life I now live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gavehimself for me.” - Galatians 2:20Sunday Worship Times are:

9:00am & 10:20amDo you have an upcoming event at your church! Email us the information and wewould be happy to print it!nettlecreekgazette@

frontier.comHow to Find Affordable High-Speed HomeInternetServices

Dear Savvy Senior,Do you know of any re-sources that can help me find affordable high-speed home Internet services? I’m retired

and live primarily on my So-cial Security and would like to find something cheaper than the $40 per month that I cur -rently pay.

Searching SeniorDear Searching,There are two great resources you can turn to, to help you locate low-cost or discounted Internet services, but’s what’s available to you will depend on where you live and/or your income level. Here’s where to begin.

Low-Cost InternetYour first step to locate cheap-er high-speed Internet is Ev-eryoneOn, a national nonprofit organization dedicated to mak-ing affordable Internet services available to all Americans.

Through partnerships with Internet providers like Com-cast, Cox, AT&T, T-Mobile, Mediacom and others, Every-oneOn can help you search for services in your area that provide high-speed (4G LTE) Internet at a very low cost. Most participating companies charge around $10 per month, with no contract and no equip-ment fee. However, for non-in-come qualifiers, there may be a one-time setup/equipment

fee of $62. Data plans will vary too.

To start your search, go to EveryoneOn.org and type in your ZIP code and click on the “Find Offers” button, or you can call 877-947-4321. You’ll then need to answer a few questions regarding you household financial situation so the Internet services you’re

eligible for can be located.

Some providers offer their services only to people with limited financial resources, however there are others that offer low-cost deals to ev-eryone regardless of income. What’s available to you will depend on where you live.

Also note that in addition to the low-cost Internet services, EveryoneOn also provides re-ferrals to affordable comput -ers and free computer classes. Most of the companies they work with offer refurbished tablets usually for under $100, and computers for under $160 that are available to everyone.

And, they provide referrals to free computer classes, which are typically offered in public libraries across the U.S.

Discounted InternetIf you don’t have any luck finding a low-cost service through EveryoneOn, and your income is low enough, another option is the Lifeline Assistance Program. This is a federal program that provides a $9.25 monthly subsidy to

help pay for broadband Inter -net service, or for a home or wireless phone. Only one ben-efit is available per household; either phone service (home or wireless) or Internet (home or mobile), but not both.

To qualify, you’ll need to show that your annual house-hold income is at or below 135 percent of the Federal Poverty Guidelines – which is $16,281

for one person, or $21,924 for two. Or, that you’re receiv -ing certain types of govern-ment benefits, such as Medic-aid, food stamps, SSI, public housing assistance, veterans pension or survivors pension benefit, or live on federally recognized Tribal lands.

To apply, you’ll need to con-tact an Internet provider in your area that participates in the Lifeline program and ask for an application form. To locate providers in your area, visit LifelineSupport.org or call 888-641-8722. Once the provider verifies your eligi -bility, they will begin service. (NOTE: The Internet compa-

nies that partner with Every-oneOn do not currently accept the lifeline subsidy.)Send your senior questions to:

Savvy Senior, P .O. Box 5443, Norman, OK 73070, or visit Sav-vySenior.org. Jim Miller is a con-tributor to the NBC Today show and author of “The Savvy Se-nior” book.

We had a good week here at the center. The nicer weather might have had something to do with it. Whatever the rea-son, I hope it continues. I keep inviting you senior citizens to join us here at the center. Most of those I talk to say, “I keep thinking I will do that.” I hope you will join us soon. Remember, call the day before you want to join us by 12:30 to order your meal. 489-5782.Leonard Bicknell, who de-

livers Meals on Wheels for us, showed up with a bruised face and black eye. I asked him if he got smart with Thelma but it seems he had a fall that did it. He keeps the center in fresh spring water. THANK YOU to Leonard and Thelma for all they do.

A Thank You also goes out to all the drivers. They volun-teer to do routes for the center. Without them, we couldn’t op-erate. A Thank You also goes out to all my other volunteers here at the center.

The Drug Pick-Up went well. The two officers were surprises that we had such a good turnout. There was one full barrel and half of a second to dispose of. We are planning an another pick-up this fall.

Caralou brought her famous rolls in for dinner Friday when she joined us. They were yum-my as usual. We had several extras on the table.

John H joined us for dinner one day this week and played pool with George. Hope he returns soon. We like to see new friendly faces here.

Everyone Be Safe & Be HappyN.C.S.C. SusieThe 2017Hagerstown

FlyingCircus will be July 18th!Circle your calendar for our popular annual event!5th Annual Chicken

Noodle DinnerThe Golay Community Cen-ter's 5th Annual Chicken Noo-dle Dinner is Friday, April 28, from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m. in the

Golay Gymnasium.

Meal includes Home-made Chicken and Noodles, Mashed Potatoes, Green Beens, Roll, Wick's Pick and a Drink.

Cost is $7 ages 13 and up; $3 ages 12 and under.

The Golay Community Center dedicates itself to pro-viding quality, recreational, educational, and fellowship opportunities to the people of Western Wayne County and its surrounding areas to enhance the growth of mind, body and spirit.

The money raised during the 5th Annual Chicken Noodle Dinner will go to help offset the cost of various low cost programs throughout the year.

Tickets can be purchased at the receptionist desk prior to the event or from an employ -ee. Tickets will also be sold at the door.

The Golay Community Center is located at 1007 East Main Street, Cambridge City. Phone 765-478-5565The Economy Lions Club will host their annual Easter Egg Hunt on Saturday April 15 , 2017 at 2:00 at the Econ-omy Lions Den. All children between the ages of 0-12 eligi-ble. There will 3-4 age groups

with a special prize for the 2 youngest groups. Rain or shine (indoors if raining).

See any Lion's Club mem -ber or contact Richard Ra-mey at 765- 489-6228 if you have any questions.Economy Lions Club Annual Easter Egg HuntNettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017 - 11

475 E Main, Hagerstown - 765-530-8167HOURS: Monday - Saturday: 6:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Sunday: 7:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.Becker’s RestaurantSpecial EasterSunday Buffet8:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m.

Come Check It Out!by Dan HarneyWhen I was in high school I could never understand why a prolific scorer or rebounder from a small school was usu-

ally overlooked when colleges handed out athletic scholar -ships. They would invariably sign the sixth or seventh man on the Muncie Central Bearcat or the Richmond Red Devil team instead.

I better understand it now.

Those kids practiced and played against better compe-tition night in, night out. They also had a mental edge. In the few times they played against county competition the thought that they might lose never crossed their mind. The other advantage they had was, for the most part, the county schools walked on the floor thinking the same thing. The 1965 Hag-erstown Tiger basketball team was a notable exception. The skill they possessed, combined with the mental toughness of that team, allowed them to de-feat the giant.

The rules have completely changed. Teams then were re-stricted as to when they could practice. Now sporting teams, in almost every sport, seem to play year round. There are AAU teams, travel teams and club teams that play January to December somewhere.

Now kids from small schools are frequently playing along side kids from big schools, both as teammates and adver -saries. When that happens con-fidence sours for small school kids. Suddenly, kids like Cole Bartlett realize that he can play at a high level. More impor -

tantly colleges like Missouri of the SEC realize it and pur -sue him. The same opportuni-ty arose for Nyla Rueter when she competed in summer AAU basketball competition for the Indiana Flight. Coaches did not heavily recruit her ini-tially because she played at a small school. Once they saw her compete against the “big girls” schools lined up to pur -sue her. St Bonaventure was first in line. Her success in the big time with an A-10 school speaks for itself.

There are many people who were opposed to classifying sports, but the irony is that classifying sports has opened the door more for small school kids than big school kids.

It is unlikely that Hager -stown could have compet -ed with 4A State Basketball Champion Ben Davis. But, they now have more expo-

sure and more opportunities to prove that they belong on the big stage than ever before.

There are few programs in the state, if any, that would turn down a chance to add Jalen Oliver to their roster. Most of our baseball roster could play for anybody. College recruit -ers came to Richmond look-ing for talent last year and the TCU Horned Frogs saw someone they liked in Des-mond Bane. He was playing at one of smallest schools in the state. They found him through AAU basketball. This week he helped cut down the nets in Madison Square Garden when the Frogs won the NIT.

When the Richmond Red Devil bus pulled in to Hag-erstown last Wednesday to tackle the Hagerstown Tigers in baseball there were some subtle changes from the past. To begin with Richmond has been unwilling to play here before. That has been true in other sports as well. They are also coming here this spring to play golf. Good Luck with

that. I guarantee you that there was not one player on the Red Devil bus, and prob-The Mystique is Gone ably no coach, who thought they would lose. That thought never crossed their mind, they don’t think that way.

The other side of that coin is that several Tigers have played travel baseball with, and against, several of the Red Devils. There was no doubt in

the Tiger dugout that they were going to win. The intimidation factor that the big school ath-letes once had is gone. The mystique is gone. It is now us against you and you better be really good if you think you are going to beat us. The Ti-gers prevailed 5-0. The Tigers that night were a better team.

People have always had their opinions, but now they have a vehicle for expressing them, oth-erwise known as social media. Loyal Richmond fans, who have a bit of a superiority complex to begin with, sounded off. “How could this ever happen” was my favorite post. I did not think the criticism of the coach was war -ranted. I happen to think that he is an excellent coach. His team won 23 games last season and they will win a lot of games this year. If these two teams were to meet again this year, and they may, I think it would be a good game. But the days are over when the game will be decided before it ever starts with an in-

timidation factor. Talk is cheap.

There are a lot of good players out there and they are not all playing for large enrollment schools. Bring you’re “A” game or lose. Perhaps bring you’re “A” and lose anyway.Kenton Alfred Anderson, 68, of Williamsburg, passed away on Friday, March 31 in the com-fort of a home filled with family.

He was born in Winchester, Indiana on September 6, 1948 to Junior and Glenna Ruth Da-vis Anderson. He was a 1966 graduate of Williamsburg High School.

Kenton worked over 30 years with Belden before retir -ing as a manager. He enjoyed living on the farm with his wife, Pam. He raised exotic animals and then raised and trained racing horses with his

father-in-law, Willard New-man. Most recently, he bred show cattle.

Kenton was a loving hus-band, father, and grandfather.

He was proud of his children and grandchildren. He loved spending time with family and Kenton AlfredAndersonWant to learn more about our natural environment? We will be hosting an Indiana Master Naturalist course at Cope En-vironmental Center in 2017! Back by popular demand, we will enjoy some of our regular presenters, but also we will welcome some new talents! A few of the topics will be: Birds of Indiana, Reptiles and Indiana Master

NaturalistAmphibians of Indiana and Insects of Our Region (with a focus on nocturnal insects).

Dates: Every Thursday begin-ning April 6 through May 25.

Times: May vary. Mostly 5:30-8:30 pm.

Place: CEC’s new building! Fee: $80Registration: REQUIRED.

Please call or email Aubrey at 765-855-3188 or a.blue@cop -eenvironmental.org. (Max. 30 people.)Robert A. Snyder Jr., 77, of Pershing, Indiana passed away on Saturday, April 1, 2017 at Reid Health in Richmond.

He was born on April 7, 1939 in Richmond to Robert A. Sr. and Norma Maple Sny-der and had lived all of his life in Wayne County. He was a graduate of Hagerstown High School and retired from PK/Erb Lumber Company. He was also a farmer and enjoyed trains, photography, tractors, Robert Snyder

friends. He also enjoyed play-ing golf and fishing.

Kenton was a faithful mem-ber of the Economy United Methodist Church, which has lifted up him and his family through his illness.

Kenton will be missed by his wife, the former Pam New-man, whom he married on July 10, 1992; their children, Stephanie & Tom Chang, Amy & Brad Drendel, Corey & Gina Anderson, Emily & John Baranowsky, Kendra & Eddie Brown and Jon & Sara Starr; grandchildren, Ryan, Alex,

Bailey, Hannah, Abigail, Daw-son, Ava, Luke, John, Stella, Madison and Nolan; father, Junior Anderson; sisters, Ruth Anderson and Luann Michael & her husband, Joe; brothers, Ron & Sandy Anderson and Larry Anderson; and many

aunts, uncles, cousins, nieces & nephews.

Kenton was preceded in death by his mother, Glenna Anderson, in 2005 and his sis-ter, Pamela Anderson, in 1993 Rev. Ken Wooden con-ducted a funeral ceremony

on Wednesday, April 5 at the Economy United Methodist Church, 306 Market Street in Economy. Interment follow in the Economy Cemetery.

Memorial contributions may be sent to the Economy Unit-ed Methodist Church, PO Box 146, Economy, IN 47339 or Reid Health Hospice, 1100 Reid Parkway, Richmond, IN 47374.

traveling and visiting with friends.

Survivors include his chil-dren Duane (Penny) Snyder, Jeff (Stacy) Snyder, Cindy Greenwell and Stephanie (Jim) McFatridge; his signif-icant other of 30 years Jelyne Ashcraft; step-son Steven Ashcraft; 16 grandchildren; 16 great-grandchildren; a brother Douglas (Joyce) Snyder; niece Susan Snyder and nephew Ste-ven Snyder.

Funeral services were Tues-day, April 4, 2017 at Waskom Capitol Hill Chapel in Cam-bridge City with Danny Berry officiating. Burial followed in Riverside Cemetery in Cam-bridge City.

Contributions may be made to American Heart Association of a charity of your choice.

Online condolences to www.


1996 April Fool’s - Do you remember when the Taco Bell Corp.

ran a full-page ad in several major newspapers claiming it has pur -chased the Liberty Bell and is renaming it the “Taco Liberty Bell?” 12 - Nettle Creek Gazette, Wednesday, April 5th, 2017Each Served with One SideThursday - Saturday:

Full Menu and Bar ServiceWednesday: Lunch Menu and Lunch BuffetThursday - Sunday: Menu and Bar SpecialsCheck out our specials on our Facebook page!Fine Dining With A Friendly Hometown Atmosphere! WEDNESDAY: LUNCH MENU AND BUFFET




OUR FABULOUS SMORGASBORDfeaturing Prime Rib: $16.95 SUNDAY: OUR FABULOUS SMORGASBORD: $14.95Hours: Wednesday : 11:00 - 2:00 Thursday: 5:00 - 9:00 Friday & Saturday: 4:00 - 10:00 Sunday: 11:00 - 8:00Two for $20.00

Thursday andSunday EveningsChoice of:

Beef FiletMedallionsorCoconut Shrimp40 E. Main St., Hagerstown 765-489-4131“HARTLEY HILLS GOLF CLUB IS OPEN!

GET YOUR 2017 MEMBERSHIP NOW: 765-489-4373WE ARE CURRENTLY ACCEPTING EASTER RESERVATIONS!by Dan HarneySt Leon - The Hagerstown Tiger JV baseball team went on a road trip Saturday to take

on large enrollment 4A East Central. East Central is in the rolling hills of east southern Indiana near Cincinnati. The Tiger JV roster is loaded with talent. Putting all those talent -

ed puzzle pieces together to prepare them for the next step is a challenge. The best way to find out how the players will perform is to throw them out there and see what happens. What happened was a double header sweep for the Tigers. They won the opener 5-1 and the second game by the score of 7-4. Puzzle Pieces GaloreThe Tigers toyed with the

Trojans using nine different pitchers in the two games. In 12 of the 14 innings played the Trojans failed to score. Grant Vinson, Derek Davis, Cody Swimm, Cade Johnson, Brady McMillan, Camden Rhoades, Mitch Morris, Silas Parsons

and Dalton Scott each saw mound duty.

There were several Tigers that produced base hits. Scott was the most productive with three. Jake Combs and Ryan Golliher returned after a year away from baseball and picked up where they left off. Combs had a key hit and Golliher, Swimm and Jaden Locke turned in outstand-ing defensive plays.

Each Served with Two SidesSeth Reynolds (SO/Eaton, Ohio) hit the NAIA outdoor track and field national meet "B" standard in the 110 meter hurdles to highlight the day for the Indiana University East track and field teams at the Hanover College Invitational on April 1.

Reynolds won the event in a school record time of 14.89 to become the first IU East athlete to achieve an outdoor national meet qualifying standard this season. All NAIA outdoor track and field programs can send a select number of "B" standard qualifiers to the NAIA Outdoor Track and Field National Championship scheduled for May 25-27 in Gulf Shores, Ala.

In other events, Trisha Spivey (SO/Liberty, Ind.) tied for second in the women's high jump, Tyler Hoodlebrink (SR/Hagerstown, Ind.) was second in the men's shot put, Kristen Miller (JR/Ottawa, Ohio) was third in the women's triple jump and Kee-gan Kilfoil-Barnes (SO/Tipton, Ind.) was fourth in the men's long jump.Harlem Wizards Coming in AprilThe Libertarian Party of Wayne County held it's 2017 convention in conjunction

with the 6th District Libertarian Con-vention at Montgomery's Steakhouse in Spiceland on March 25th. Rex Bell was re-elected as county chair. Other county officials are Cheryl Heacox, vice-chair; Juli Stout, secretary; Ross Bell, treasurer.

Guest speaker was New Castle attor -ney Sean Row, of the Gaylen & Row Law Office. Mr. Row spoke on the im-portance of citizen involvement in the The Harlem Wizards are coming to Lincoln High School, Friday, April 21st.

This is a fun filled event that is great for the entire family and will guarantee to put a smile on your face! This event is hosted by the Western Wayne & Hager -stown Elementary PTOs.

The Harlem Wizards have a unique mission: create unforgettable experienc-es throughout the country and around the world. At a Wizards game, fans will wit-ness amazing basketball talent, hilarious comedy, and audience involvement. The experience can only be summed up in two words: Awe-Inspiring! Tickets can be purchased online at

www.harlemwizards.com. Doors will be opened at 6:00 pm and the game starts at 7:00 pm.

For questions or more information, please contact the WWES PTO at ptow-wes@gmail.com.

court and jury systems.

Jeremiah Morrell, of New Castle, was elected to be the 6th District Represen-tative to the State Central Committee of the Libertarian Party of Indiana. The pre-vious 6th District Representative, Jesse Riddle of Knightstown, has announced

his intention to seek the position of State Chair at the LPIN convention in Evans-ville which will be help May 5-7th.

For more information on the Libertarian Party, visit LPIN.org. Libertarian Party of Wayne County 2017 ConventionIU East Hoodlebrink Second in Shot PutLeft: Camden Rhoades crosses home plate. Top: Silas Parsons warms up under the watchful eyes of Camden Rhoades and Cade Johnson. Photo’ s courtesy of Debra RhoadesThe Wayne County Foundation is

currently seeking nominations for its two prestigious awards, the Charles A. Rodefeld Award for Leadership in Philanthropy and the Community and the Ruth J. Wickemeyer Award for Community Service.

The Charles A. Rodefeld Award hon-ors a man who was not widely known as a philanthropist or worker for non-prof-it organizations. He was, instead, a per -son who moved quietly but steadily to help meet community needs.

The Rodefeld Award seeks to recognize Wayne County citizens and/or compa-nies who have been there when agencies or organizations most needed them, who served faithfully and well, though without fanfare, and who have provided leader -ship and significant financial support over the years. To qualify for the Charles A. Rodefeld Award, an individual, corpora-tion, or organization must have demonstrat-ed exceptional leadership and innovative commitment to addressing a community concern or a dedication to improving the effectiveness of an existing charitable in-stitution while maintaining an attitude of humility. Evidence of achievement must be demonstrated by gifts of volunteer leader -

ship and significant personal/corporate re-sources.

Named for the Foundation’s first Exec-utive Director, the Ruth J. Wickemeyer Award for Community Service recogniz-es paid or volunteer not-for-profit leaders who personify exceptional service to oth-ers in the name of community progress. Ruth is perhaps best remembered for maintaining the highest ethical standards and expressing true appreciation for even the smallest contributions.

To nominate someone for either award, visit WayneCountyFoundation.org. Wayne County Foundation Seeking Nominations