6 th International Medical Olympiad

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1 INTERNATIONAL MEDICAL OLYMPICUS ASSOCIATION With the cooperation of International Advisors 51 Hermou Str, P.C. 54623, Thessaloniki, Macedonia - Greece, Tel: (+30) 2310229133, molympicus@gmail.com, www.medolympicus.gr 6th International Medical Olympiad

Thessaloniki 4-6 Novem ber 20 22 “Always be excellent ” “Aιέν αριστεύειν ” Under the Auspices of the School of Health Sciences and under the Auspices of the School of Medicine, of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki Original papers of s ocial interest from all medical specialties ,

biosciences and medical technologies For more information: www.medolympicus.gr Information – Preliminary Program UEMS -EACCME has granted 11 educational points to the participants National Symbols of t he Board of Int ernational Advisors :

In cooperation with the International Hippocratic Foundation Cooperating Societies Hellenic Society of Alzheimer’s Disease and Congenital Disorders Sports Medicine Association of Greece 2

3 A message from the President of the Organizing Committee Dear Colleagues, Medicine, according to Aristotle (book Nicomahea Ethics, p. 3 4-36, Loeb Classical Library, Harvard 73) when well exercised leads to health.

In our time, health becomes more precious than ever due to pollution of our environment, climate change, poverty and unexpected conflicts between nations. Under these conditions we must strengthen and increase our devotion to medicine and try to offer as more health we can. The International Medical Olympicus Association invit es all colleagues serving medicine and/or other related special ties like biology, psychology etc to present in the

6th Olympiad research papers and exchange views for better health to our societies.

Perhaps the next years , starting from 2023 , will dramatically need our scientific knowledge in chapters like First Aid, Treatment of Injuries and other emergency conditions like Cardiovascular and Respiratory Failure. Not to mention the tragic results of nuclear accidents and/or of nuclear weapons, climate change or famine that our generation will certainly face in the future.

Main subjects of this Olympiad will refer to First Aid, Injuries, Obesity, Acute Cardiovascular and Respiratory Diseases , Radiation Sickness and miscellaneous prototype subje cts.

We shall make every effort necessary to publish a detailed summary of original papers who refer to the most practical and useful medical needs , as mentioned above, in a booklet and distribute it to all speakers and participants so that will carry back home the knowledge and the spirit of the 6th Olympiad. Few copies of the new book of Neo-Hippocratic Medicine , which includes highlights of medical knowledge and related Hippocratic Aphorisms , will also

be available.

As in every Olympiad, we sha ll have a joint meeting with our Advisors on Saturday evening and we shall try to have a n excursion on Sunday November 6th, in order to know better each other and exchange innovative views for the benefit of medicine and health .

Three first prizes and mor e will be awarded to the best presentations .

We ask you to join the 6th International Medical Olympiad and hope you will have an important scientific experience in Thessaloniki. The weather in early November is usually fine in Thessaloniki. Please let us know if any difficulties that we may cover related to your cooperation appear.

With kind regards The President of the Organizing Committee Professor emeritus Philip C. Grammaticos 4 7 rules suggested by the Advisors, standing for better organizing the Olympiads

1. Homepage . All information about the forthcoming 6th International Medical Olympiad will be included in the homepage of our Association www.medolympicus.gr . This homepage will be renewed with new information on time.

2. International Education Points. To be announced soon.

3. Financial Benefits. Provide benefits if financially possible, by partially waiving fees for participation, for housing and by offering financial support to travel expenses particularly for young colleagues, for colleagues from underdeveloped countries and for those having a high cost of travel.

4. Special Sessions. Organize special sessions, before or after the main programme of oral presentations of the Med ical Olympiads like: a) A workshop about Statistics -Useful applications in Nuclear Medicine run by Prof S. Sharma and c olleagues . b) Organize presentations on “how to” and/or “why” on practical subjects of social interest. c) Satellite sessions can be organized with or without the collaboration or sponsorship of pharmaceutical firms or Institutions.

5. Younger Colleagues. Try to communicate with younger colleagues through various local Medical Societies or by personal contact, in order to inform them of the benefits of the Medical Olympiads inviting them to participate. Advisors may be very helpful on this goal. Younger colleagues will also be encouraged to participate in the above special sessions, guided by senior colleagues, to the Organizing Committee of the Medical Olympiads and in other parts o f the programme. Younger

colleagues may have financial support as mentioned above.

6. Our Advisors. We kindly mention to our Advisors that the position they hold in organizing the future Intern ational Medical Olympiads is important and that they represent their Country. Their kind and voluntary contribution aims to submit original papers of social interest and to inform colleagues from their Countries of the benefits of the Med ical Olympiads, in case they wish to participate.

Advisors may also wish to propose to the Organizing Committee the names of certain distinguished colleagues for lecturers, may evaluate the papers submitted from their Country, suggest persons to participate to special sessions, or organize sessions, suggest chair -persons and also may wish to suggest who may receive financial support. All Advisors’ suggestions will be duly considered for acceptance by the Organizing Committee.

7. A Sponsored Competition on a Special Subject . To encourage sponsors, Individuals, Institutions or Pharmaceutical Firms to sponsor under their name (like: the John Smith’s award) a competition of original papers of social interest. Subjects of this competition could be : Obesity, First Aid, Radiation Accident, Various kinds of Dementia, Lymphomas, Nanoparticles, Genetics etc. The winners of this contest will receive valuable prizes and a diploma.

5 The Administrative Board President: Grammaticos Philip , Vice-President s: Melfou Fani, Tsolaki Magda, Secretary:

Papantoniou Georgia , Treasurer: Mora itou Despoina , Members: Gogakos Stefanos, Antonitsis Polychronis, Myronidou Maria, Tzafetas John, Natsis Konstantinos , Patsikas Michael The Organizing Committee President : Grammaticos Philip Ass. President: Antonitsis Polychronis Members (alphabetically):

Gogakos Stefanos, Moraitou Despoina, Myronidou Maria, Patsikas Michael, Tsolaki Magda The Scientific and Awards Committee (alphabetically) Anastasiadis Kyriakos, Baloyannis Stavros, Dardavesis Theodoros , Foroglou Pericles , Grammaticos Philip, Manthos Anastasios, Natsis Konstantinos, Tzafetas John The Group of International Advisors from different Countries

(Alphabetically by country ) President s: Alavi Abass , USA - Grammaticos Philip , Greece Vice -President : Bandopadhyaya Gurupad , India Secretary : Kokkas Vasileios , Greece Members: Karagiannis Tom , Australia , Petropoulos Andreas , Azerbaijan , De Geeter Frank &

Sarafidis Alex , Belgium , Chao Ma, China , Lionis Christos & Lavranos Giagkos , Cyprus , Høilund -Carlsen Poul, Denmark, Mailänder Peter , Germany , Grammatikos Philip , Foroglou Pericles Greece, Singh Baljinder , Dhawan Devinder & Sharma Suresh , India , Nikouei Amir , Iran , Palumbo Barbara & Rubini Giuseppe , Italy , Hatazawa Jun & Yamamoto Tomoaki , Japan , Cholewinski Witold & Pietrzak Agata , Poland , Ajdinovic Boris & Matovic Milovan , Serbia , Sathekge Mike , South Africa ,

Tam Henry , U.K, Nand Relan , USA Fellows Alavi Abass , Bandopadhyaya Gurupad , +Sinzinger Helmut 6 Information Meeting venue

“Manolis Anagnostakis” hall, City Hall of Thessaloniki, Vas ileos Georgiou A ’ No 1 – P.C. 546 40 Thessaloniki .

The o fficial language of the Meeting is English.

Prizes Valuable prizes and diplomas will be awarded to the best papers and lectures.

Accreditation points from EACCME The attendants will receive in total 11 European Educational CME -CPD credits , in case they attend all seven sessions of the Olympiad, divided by the number of sessions they will attend. These credits are for MDs who must complete a questionnaire before receiving the diploma of attendance etc.

Registration Registration fee for attending the program of the Meeting and/or su bmitting a paper is 1 00€. At least one author for every paper submitted must be registered . Participants may as k for a smaller registration fee. For young colleagues , registration fee is 50€. Graduate and post graduate medical students, nurses and technicians: 40€. Students of all levels, disabled and members of general public pay no fee. A

certificate of attendance will also be offered.

You may ask the Organizing Committee of the Meeting for p artly waiving the above fees.

You may pay via our account of Iatrikos Olympicos Syndesmos (Medical Olympicus Association) in Alpha Bank, Mitropoleos 19 str, PC 546 24, Thessaloniki, Greece, IBAN: GR 80 0140 4740 4740 0200 2004 801, BIC: CRBAGRAAXXX . The name of the treasurer is Assoc.

Professor Despoina Moraitou. Please mention the name of the depositor and the purpose of payment.

The Small Excursion -Visit to Museums On the 6th of November 2022 an excursion is usually taking place. (To be announced later) Instructions for detailed Summaries Two questions from the Organizing committee and authors’ answers will be included in every detailed summary.

7 Deadline for submission of papers is Monday , 19th September 2022. Detailed s ummaries may be up to one and a half A4 page long, with borders of 2cm around the text and 1 ,5 distance between the lines, written in Times New Roman letters size 12 . Small figures or tables may be included.

Criteria for the evaluation of papers have been : a) Originality on a new subject -basis: 60%, b) Social impact: 25%, c) Statistical support or sufficient proof of results and well organized and easily read presentation: 1 5%.

The final program -information booklet will be distributed to the participants who are registered. The booklet with the detailed summaries The first Booklet will include all necessary information about the 6th Medical Olympia d.

The second B ookle t will contain all detailed summaries and the two questions and answers for every summary .

The Chairpersons of every session may have a few minutes to introduce the speakers. The time allowed for every orally presented paper will be 15min and for discussion 5min. Authors are kindly requested to comply with this timetable.

For more information and all about our society activities, please see our website:

www.medolympicus.gr or please contact us at the e -mail address of the Association :

molympicus@gmail.com .

Scientific Competition Please answer to the following questions:

1. A) An adult up to 65 years of age lives in an environment of 20ο C. If the environmental temperature increases by 10ο C (30ο C) the adult will consume a number of calories or energy. B) If the environmental temperature decreases by 10ο C (10ο C) the adult will consume b number of calories or energy. The question is whether a is more, less or equal to b. Please describe.

2. What we mean by the terms “ neurotome ” or “ dermatome ”.

3. Mention four useful biological substances of which cholesterol is basic for their formation.

4. According to the recently described “ gastro -colic reflex ”, it is asked how long after gastric emptying we notice a tendency to empty colon.

5. Please describe and mention where we can find the so called by Hoefnagel “ Small Lymphatic Hearts ”.

Please, send your replies to molympicus@gmail.com soon but not after September 12, 2022.

University students a nd members of the public may reply until September 26, 2022. The best five replies will have free registration or, if they prefer, free participation to the daily Sunday excursion.

8 Replies for 4 of the above 5 questions may be found in the 6th edition of t he Neo -Hippocratic Medicine book, sponsored by the International Medical Olympicus Association.

9 Preliminary Programme Friday 4th November 2022 Oral Presentations (Time for presentation of papers: 15min. Time for discussion: 5min) 09:00-11:00 Registration

11:00-12:40 Session I Miscellaneous Chair: Kouloulias Vasileios, Natsis Konstantinos, Moraitou Despoina 11:00-11:20 Sharma Deepika Preclinical evaluation of Magnetic Hyperthermia for the treatment of glioma 11:20-11:40 Høilund -Carslen Poul

New aspects related to the pathogenesis of cognitive diseases : The role of atherosclerosis 11:40-12:00 Antonitsis Polychronis and Anastasiadis Kyriakos Research innovations in Cardiac Surgery 12:00-12:20 Nikouei Amir

Innovative studies in nuclear medicine and more 12:20-12:40 Nand Relan Clinical Utility of Dopamine Transporter (DaT) Single Photon Emission Computed Tomography -Computed Tomography (SPECT -CT) Imaging in Parkinson Disease 12:40-17:00 Lunch break

17:00 -18:00 Opening Ceremony Welcome by the President of the I nternational Medical Olympicus Association Philip Grammaticos, Addressing the Olympiad by the Rector of the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki , Professor Nikolaos Papaioannou

Addressing the Olympiad by the Dean of the School of Health Sciences, Professor Theodoros Dardavesi s and by The President of the Medical School of Thessaloniki, Professor Kyriakos Anastasiadis The Official Opening Address for the Olympiad by the Mayor of Thessaloniki

Mr Kostantinos Zervas The Hymn of Medical Olympiads (set to melody by Evathia Tzitzi) and Musical event orchestra and choral by the Conservatory (40 minutes) 18:10-18:30 Coffee Break 10 Oral Presentations

(Time for presentation of papers: 15min. Time for discussion: 5min) 18:30-19:30 Session II Miscellaneous Chair : Bandopadyaya Gurupad , Myronidou Maria 18:30-18:50 Yamamoto Tomoaki et al.

A new aspect for diagnostic forensics 18:50-19:10 Singh Baljinder et al.

The importance of nuclear medical techniques in angina and infarction 19:10-19:30 Dhawan Devinder et al.

The importance of Zinc in health and disease 19:30-19:50 Break 19:50-21:10 Session III Obesity Chair: Høilund -Carlsen Poul , Ajdinovic Boris , Singh Baljinder 19:50-20:10 Tzitzi Evanthia et al.

Drugs treatment for obesity 20:10-20:30 Myronidou Maria , Tzitzis Panagiotis et al.

Obesity in children, adults and in general population 20:30-20:50 Natsis Konstantinos Exercise Prescription for health: Sports Medicine promotes active lifestyle 20:50-21:10 Foroglou Pericles Bariatric Surgery and Obesity

Saturday 5th November 2022 Oral Presentations (Time for presentation of papers: 15min. Time for discussion: 5min) 09:30-10:50 Session IV Obesity, First Aid , Miscellaneous Chair: Matovic Milovan , Bandopandyaya II

09:30 -09:50 Papadimitriou Dimochristos et al First Aid resuscitation, drowning, obstruction of airways 09:50 -10:10 Papazisis George et al Neurogenic obesity in children and adults (diagnosis and facing the disease) 10:10-10:20 Baloyannis Stavros

Obesity as a frequent manifestation of limbic system dysfunction 10:20 -10:50 Ajdinovic Boris et al Diuretic 99mTc DTPA renography in assessment of renal function and drainage in infants with antenatally detected hydronephrosis 10:50-11:10 Coffee break

11 11:10-12:40 Session V Miscellaneous Chair: Baloyannis Stavros , Dhawan Devinder , Sharma Deepika 11:10-11:20 Høilund -Carslen Poul Artificial intelligence -based interpretation in molecular medicine

11:20-11:40 Rubini Giuseppe Multimodality imaging and biomedical data in the management of cardiovascular diseases 11:40-12:00 Matovic Milovan et al.

A prototype system for safe automatic filling of 99Mo -99mTc generators 12:00-12:20 Lyra Maria Nuclear accidents from reactors and military events 12:20 -12:40 Liolios Theodoros and Lioliou Fr.

Protecting measures after nuclear bombs explosion 12:40-17:00 Lunch break 17:00-18:00 Session VI Miscellaneous Chair: Sharma Suresh, Tsolaki Magda, Antonitsis Polychronis 17:00-17:20 Tzafetas John

The emergence of a new medical speciality:'ONCOFERTILITY ’ 17:20-17:40 Syme οnidou Isaia and Myronidou Maria Gender -based violence and sexism – past, present and future 17:40-18:00 Tsolaki Magda et al Innovative aspects in Alzheimer’s disease

18:00-18:20 Coffee Break 18:20-19:20 Session VII Miscellaneous Chair: Tzafetas John , Symeonidou Isaia , Kokkas Vasileios 18:20-18:40 Sharma Suresh Predictive Modeling for Coronavirus Pandemic and Common Statistical Errors in

Medical Sciences 18:40-19:00 Bandopadyaya Gurupad Innovative Aspects in Radiology 19:00-19:20 Grammaticos Philip A Simple treatment for Angina and malignant Diarrhea

19:20-20:10 Advisors meeting 20:10-21:00 Prizes, Certificates of Attendance, International Units. Evaluation and Futu re Plans for The Olympiads by the President of the 6th Olympiad 12 Accommodation:

The following hotels and B&B are suggested for the participants of the Olympiad. Please communi cate with the hotels as early as possible through the websites. Prices vary between 35 -100€.

You may inquire more about traveling and accommodation arrangements at our secretariat:


ABC Hotel , Aggelaki str 41, 546 21 Thessaloniki https://hotelabc.gr/el/ Capsis Hotel 4 stars (A), Monastiriou 16, 546 29 Thessaloniki .

www.capsishotels.gr Egnatia Hotel 3 stars (B), Antigonidon 16, 546 30 Thessaloniki www.egnatia -hotel.gr Egnatia Palace Hotel 4 stars (A), Egnatia 61, 546 31 Thessaloniki www.egnatiapalace.gr/

Amalia Hotel 2 stars (A), Hermou 33 street, P.C. 54624, https://hotelamalia.gr/ The Caravan 4 stars (A) B& B, Rebelou 1 and Vamvaka street, P.C. 54631.

https://www.thecaravan.gr/ White Luxury Rooms , Stathmou 4 and Anagenniseos 1, 546 27 Thessaloniki http://www.whiteluxury.gr/ Superior One Luxury Apartment , Tsimiski 116, 546 21 Thessaloniki https://la.superiorone.gr/

Colors Hotel , Tsimiski 13, 546 24 Thessaloniki, www. colorshotel.gr/colors -urban -hotel -thessaloniki On the 6th of November 2022 an excursion is usually taking place. (To be announced later)