No Morning Sickness at 6 Weeks - Is No Morning Sickness in Pregnancy a Thing to Worry?

Morning sickness is a common occurrence during pregnancy—so common that if someone is pregnant and doesn’t experience morning sickness, it feels strange. There is nothing to worry about or have FOMO about morning sickness. If you are not experiencing morning sickness during early pregnancy, you might think something is wrong, but there are many reasons why women may not be feeling any signs, and most of them are not anything to be concerned about.

Should I Be Worried if There Is No Morning Sickness?

If you don’t experience morning sickness during early pregnancy, don’t worry. Thirty percent of women manage to go through pregnancy with Nausea free. First trimester hormones in combination with oestrogen and hCG cause morning sickness due to the churning sensation in the stomach.

You feel nauseated. It is important to note that some women are better equipped to deal with morning sickness than others. If you don’t have morning sickness around 6 or 7 weeks, you are well on your way to being a better pregnancy patient. A woman's experience of morning sickness also depends on the lifestyle she lives before pregnancy.

A woman living a healthy lifestyle will experience less morning sickness compared to those who are not. Additionally, if you experience morning sickness later in your pregnancy, it may go away for a while. Morning sickness affects the majority of pregnant women between the ages of 8 and 14 weeks.

What Is the Reason Behind Morning Sickness?

Due to the foetus' fragile state during these first few months, morning sickness can help restrict the intake of potentially harmful foods for the foetus. In most cases, pregnant women are averse to eating fish, poultry, meat, and eggs, as these foods are most likely to carry bacteria. Pregnant women are also likely to avoid strong-tasting foods with high phytochemical levels.

Foods that cause birth defects are teratogenic, so women are equipped to protect their babies by means of morning sickness, which is rather strange from an evolutionary standpoint.

Tips and Tricks to Manage Morning Sickness

A Few Tips and Tricks to Manage Morning Sickness:

  • Move out of bed slowly in the morning.
  • When you get up in the morning, eat some saltine crackers or graham crackers at your bedside.
  • Slowly change positions from sitting to standing.
  • Sip caffeine-free carbonated soda.
  • Try adding extra fluids to your diet. Try lemon slices in water, lemonade, and lemon head candy.
  • You may try sparkling water instead of plain water, as carbonation may help.
  • Consume peppermint candy or gum, but not peppermint oil.
  • Eat small, frequent meals or snacks every two or three hours.
  • Add meat, cheese, nuts, and yoghurt to your diet.
  • Avoid greasy, fried, or spicy foods.
  • Avoid smells that bother you.
  • Get some fresh air when you can, and rest when you can.
  • It's essential to breathing through your nose.
  • take Sea-Bands.
  • Ginger tea or ginger ale, 250-500 mg ginger tablets, 2-3 times per day
  • Vitamin B6, 25mg, 3-4 times daily (up to 200mg daily), Unisom (Doxylamine), 12.5mg-2 times daily, or 25mg before bed.

Is Morning Sickness a Sign of Miscarriage?

There is a study published in JAMA Internal Medicine that says women who experience morning sickness during pregnancy have a 75 per cent lower risk of miscarriage. However, lack of morning sickness was a sign of miscarriage when women don’t have morning sickness.

In fact, the study was skewed as only women who had previous miscarriages were considered, which is not the entire sample size. If you lack morning sickness, though, this may indicate a lower level of oestrogen in your body, which puts you at a greater risk of miscarriage. All you need to do is sit back and enjoy this pregnancy journey if your hormone levels are good and your doctor has no complaints about your morning sickness.

Rather than worrying about having a miscarriage, look into what causes them and take steps to avoid them. Some of these may not be within your control. However, keeping a routine checkup will allow your doctor to quickly detect anything wrong and start treatment if necessary.

FAQs on Morning Sickness

1. Will I miscarry if I don’t have morning sickness?

In the same manner, that morning sickness doesn't guarantee that you won't miscarry, not experiencing morning sickness doesn't mean you won't miscarry either. If you're pregnant and not experiencing morning sickness, or if it's gone away, don't be alarmed.

2. Is it normal to have no morning sickness at 6 weeks?

If you don't experience morning sickness, that does not mean you should worry. Just as having morning sickness does not necessarily mean that your pregnancy is healthy, not experiencing morning sickness does not necessarily mean you have a health issue.

3. Is it normal to have no morning sickness for 6 weeks?

If you're lucky enough not to experience morning sickness, enjoy these nausea-free days without having to worry about it. Pregnancy differs from woman to

4. What are the symptoms of a silent miscarriage?

Missed miscarriages usually do not show any signs. Some people experience cramps or brown-coloured discharge from the vaginal area when they have a silent miscarriage. Although a woman may experience breast tenderness, nausea, or fatigue when she has a silent miscarriage, the symptoms of pregnancy may continue.


Pregnancy is the best thing that can happen to any woman. But it comes with a lot of complications and symptoms. Morning sickness is one of them, but there are some women who do not experience morning sickness due to their healthy lifestyle. About 30% of women do not experience morning sickness. Here we have given some tips to manage morning sickness. Happy Parenting!