When Does Morning Sickness End? | How Long Does Morning Sickness Last?

Being pregnant is the most fulfilling but also quite difficult phase in a woman's life. They have to face a lot of difficulties during these nine months. The functions of their body entirely change and they have to face many difficulties like morning sickness, mood swings, bloating fever, headaches, and many more. In this article, we will talk about morning sickness when it ends and a few tips to handle morning sickness.

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What is the Duration of Morning Sickness?

Morning sickness commonly occurs during the first trimester, usually beginning around the time of conception and ending between 14 and 16 weeks after conception. Morning sickness occurs in about 70% of pregnancies. Sometimes it is mild, but sometimes it is severe enough to affect your daily work schedule.

It is important to keep in mind that the time when morning sickness begins may vary from pregnancy to pregnancy. And some women do not experience morning sickness at all during pregnancy.

What Causes Morning Sickness During Pregnancy?

In early pregnancy, hormones like hCG (human chorionic gonadotropin) and estrogen may affect the nausea and vomiting that accompany morning sickness. These hormones may also affect taste; everything may taste sour, bitter, or just on the offside during early pregnancy.

Our bodies may also protect babies from harmful bacteria by causing morning sickness (and food aversions). Moreover, hCG levels peak toward the end of the first trimester and then level off, if not decline. This lends yet more credence to the hCG theory, which might also explain those food aversions.

What Does Morning Sickness Feel Like?

The symptoms of morning sickness may vary from individual to individual. Some of the symptoms include:

  • Nausea
  • Vomiting
  • Stomach pain
  • Cramping
  • Dizziness, and
  • Low energy.

Many people find that certain foods or smells may trigger morning sickness. Symptoms of dehydration can include dark urine, frequent urination, thirst, and feelings of dizziness or fainting if the nausea is severe enough to cause regular vomiting. If these symptoms occur, call a doctor immediately if the person is not able to drink.

Which Food Options Are Good for Morning Sickness?

Taking salty snacks throughout the day, drinking ginger tea or ginger ale, and sucking on ginger candy or a ginger lollipop can all help ease morning sickness symptoms. If you're really suffering from morning sickness, your healthcare provider may recommend the BRATT diet (bananas, rice, applesauce, toast, and tea) because these foods are easy to digest.

At these times, you should avoid spicy, greasy, and fattening foods, as these could exacerbate your symptoms. Some researchers have found that high protein foods may relieve nausea better than foods high in carbohydrates.

Tips to Prevent Morning Sickness

Here are some tips that can be used to prevent severe morning sickness:

  • Eat When You Wake Up: It is beneficial to eat some crackers or dry toast when you wake up in the morning to increase blood sugar and prevent you from moving around when you are hungry.
  • Drink Something Warm: Making ginger tea from fresh ginger root and steeping it in hot water may help relieve nausea.
  • Consuming Bland Foods: People who feel nauseated sometimes prefer bland foods. There is no doubt that the banana, rice, applesauce, toast, and tea diet (BRATT) is easy to digest, but finding foods we like to eat may take some experimenting.
  • Increase Your Protein Intake: Vegans and vegetarians who don't eat meat or fish can increase their protein intake with eggs and cheese Nuts, tofu, quinoa, and seitan are among the protein sources suitable for those following plant-based diets Protein shakes may also be convenient for both groups.
  • Oral/Mouth Care: A person can rinse their mouth after vomiting with a solution of a teaspoon of baking soda dissolved in a cup of water, which is great for treating morning sickness.

FAQs on Morning Sickness

1. When Does Morning Sickness End in Pregnant Women?

Most pregnant women find that morning sickness usually passes during the second trimester, sometime around 16 weeks. During the first trimester, 70 to 85 percent of pregnant women experience morning sickness.

2. In which week does the morning sickness end?

7 out of 10 pregnant women suffer from morning sickness in their first trimester (the first 3 months of pregnancy). Morning sickness usually begins about 6 weeks into pregnancy and peaks around 9 weeks. Most women notice some relief in their second trimester, but some experience nausea the entire time they are pregnant.

3. Which pregnancy trimester is the hardest?

Many women have the most difficulty adjusting to the changes their bodies are experiencing in the first trimester of pregnancy.

4. Which drink helps to control pregnancy nausea?

There are some women who find water unpalatable when they are experiencing nausea. If you are experiencing nausea, try drinking ginger ale or herbal teas such as red raspberry, lemon, spearmint, peach, or chamomile.

5. Which trimester is the easiest?

A large number of expectant mothers find that the second trimester is the most enjoyable period of pregnancy, filled with new and exciting milestones for you and your baby. However, despite the absence of morning sickness and food aversions, a number of new pregnancy symptoms will begin to emerge.


Morning sickness is a very common factor during pregnancy, usually in the first trimester when the body changes a lot. For some people, it's minimal, but for some, it's very difficult and makes the pregnancy even tougher. Here we have highlighted some tips and treatments that can be taken to prevent morning sickness. I hope this piece is informative for all the readers. Happy Parenting!!